Find out how to get involved with WCO projects and help heal the community.
By Julia Berkman
The Western Community Outreach (WCO) club is back at it again this year, facilitating outreach to people in need in Whatcom county. The club boasts many successful outreach events and programs in the last year, with their number one activity being the quarterly Be Our Guest event, wherein Western students use their meal plans to swipe in members of the homeless or street-involved. The activity has been met thus far with great success. The goal of the Western Community Outreach is to raise funds, break down stereotypes, and assist those in need.
The homeless population benefits from the items people give them in times of need. Many homeless women in America struggle the most with having their period on the street with no way of concealing it. Many people don’t like to think about such a thing, but sometimes the most valuable thing you can give a homeless person aren’t the things you expect. Homeless and street-involved people also need condoms. When supplying people, many organizations and charities tend to forget these basic human needs.
The Be Our Guest activity has been a success each time it has been facilitated by the WCO. If you have a meal plan and extra guest passes as the end of the quarter nears, consider donating your time and guest passes to this great cause. If not, the WCO also carries out distributions of clothes, food, basic toiletries, and other essentials during the year as well. They’re collecting for an upcoming distribution and could always use more supplies.
Participating in events with the WCO is easy. What isn’t always as easy is confronting your own discomfort in order to help others, but overcoming your own discomfort is an integral part of the college experience wherever you are. Why not help others on your path toward personal growth?