By Gabrielle Vailencour
The AS Board meeting on February 21, 2018 commenced at 6:13 p.m. and adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Student Technology Fee Changes
A referendum was presented regarding the Student Technology Fee. Students will still owe $35 per quarter, but the money will be dispersed in new ways.
The changes include putting more money toward computer replacement due to inflation, increasing the printing quota of students while charging them less, making services under the Student Technology Center more cost-effective and eventually giving students full access to all computer labs.
The AS board suggested rewording the statement on the document so that students understand the fee will remain $35 per academic quarter.
Legislative Affairs Council Charge and Charter
The charge and charter was given a slight change, in that the Graduate Student Advisory Council Representative will be voting instead of non-voting. The AS Board approved the updates with a majority.
Sustainable Action Fund
The Sustainable Action Fund was given a new name: Sustainability, Equity and Justice Fund. An SAF-approved proposal was brought to the board meeting, which requests an increase in fees, due to a decrease in SAF funds, and to change its renewal from every 3 years to every 4 years. The decision to pass the proposal was rushed due to limited time, and SAF members are now reconsidering its passing after further discussion. AS board members are thus encouraged to attend the next SAF meeting.
Ethnic Studies
An Ethnic Studies referendum was presented which would ask whether students want to support the renewal of the College of Ethnic Studies. A request to clear up the language used in the document was brought to light by the AS board so that students will know what they are voting on. To show students the impact of the referendum passing, providing additional text on the ballot was suggested.
Election Code
Many changes were made to sections of the Election Code, i.e. bribes, incentives or compensation for votes are prohibited, only reserved table spaces in dining halls can be used for campaigning and advertisement, no student can endorse another at all and a candidate who chooses to drop out of an election will not be compensated, no matter the reason.
Upon further discussion, the lack of compensation may be subject to change. Major changes to the Election Code such as the requirement for 100 signatures to become a candidate have been left undecided and will reappear during the next meeting.
Undocumented Student Support Fee
The Undocumented Student Support Fee Referendum requested that students pay a fee of $1 per quarter which will go directly toward the Undocumented Student Resource Fund. An edit of language within the document may be required to provide students with clarity, and may be presented within the coming week.
Student Advocacy and Identity Resources Center
Concerning the Resource and Outreach Programs Restructure, the board discussed a request to the change the name of ROP to Student Advocacy and Identity Resource Centers, as well as increase positions of Assistant Coordinator to Coordinator to reduce hierarchy and allow the SAIRC a budget of $4,000 for the corresponding position changes.
Board Reports
- Men’s Resiliency is hosting Ending Rape February 22 at 7 p.m. in the PAC.
- Registration is coming up & drop-ins are available in Academic Advising.
- Suicide Prevention is putting on an art show, Transcendence, and art is due on Friday March 2. The show will be in the Fine Arts Building on March 5-16.
- Suicide Prevention Trainings will be available for the next couple Tuesdays.
- The Food Pantry cannot be funded but was able to set up a Viking Funder.
- The Student Financial Aid Center is planning events in April for financial literacy.
Miscellaneous Reports
- Revisions were made to the agenda so that the “Other Businesses” subheading was removed due to time constraints, and the STF subheading was moved up.
- Western’s AS Student Life is curious if students want campus to be smoke-free and is questioning the outcomes if this idea gains a lot of student support.