Tomorrow, March 1, Western’s Blue Group will be hosting “UndocuStudents: Our Untold Stories”. Free and open to the public, the event will take place in the Library Presentation Room from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Blue Group is a club at Western comprised of undocumented students and allies.
Alex Martinez, a Blue Group member, said the event will mainly focus on the history of the Blue Group. Former and current members will talk about being undocumented at Western.
UndocuStudents is a collection of essays, poetry, and other writing by undocumented Western students, so some of the speakers will directly read from their contribution. Originally published through Western CEDAR (Contributing to Education through Digital Access Research) last September, the book presents a diverse array of student experiences.
“In writing this book, the Blue Group students offer the readers, be they documented or undocumented immigrants, a way to connect with them and with each other, so that through the sharing of their creative work, they can continue to build community” reads CEDAR’s description of the book.
Beyond the speakers, the UndocuStudents event will also include a Q&A session and panel. The event intends to create a dialogue within the
Western community as to how to better support undocumented students.
Those unaware of what the Blue Group does are also heavily encouraged to come and get a broader understanding and contextualization of their long and short term goals.
The Library Presentation Room can be found in Wilson Library room 164F.