By Gabrielle Vailencour
The AS board meeting on February 28, 2018 commenced at 3:15 p.m. and adjourned at 4:37 p.m.
Election Code
The AS board voted unanimously to keep a candidate’s requirement of 100 signatures within the Election Code, as well as allowing an alternative option. In addition, it is now established that a candidate must have a GPA of 2.5 at the time of elections and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 throughout the duration of their term. Exceptions to GPA requirements are available at the discretion of the Elections Coordinator.
The AS board decided to completely delete the proof of employment eligibility requirement within the Election Code. They also approved a candidate’s use of reserved tables for campaigning, with permission from the Elections Coordinator. Also, board members cannot endorse candidates and candidates can only speak at events sponsored by the AS if given the chance. All passed with a majority vote.
Candidates also cannot use club material without a club’s permission and candidates who drop out of elections will be reimbursed the amount of money they spent towards their campaigns, according to the motion. Under Grievances, section 6 of the Election Code, candidates must not violate the Election Code or the filing packet.
ROP Restructure
The document lists duties of the two proposed positions of the Student Advocacy and Identity Resource Center Coordinator for Representation and Outreach and SAIRC Coordinator for Marketing and Assessment. The budgets have not been established yet, regarding the programs each position will be in charge of.
One of the proposed motions within the Restructure is to change the name to the Student Advocacy and Identity Resource Center. Annie Gordon, AS VP for Student Life, proposed that this referendum be brought back in a week so to allow ROP members to express their views of the possibility of a name change. Erick Yanzon, AS VP for Diversity, agreed and will bring the restructure to the next board meeting.
The board joined the $4,000 ROP budget increase motion with the proposal to introduce new coordinator positions, since both directly correspond together. Therefore, the ROP Restructure now consists of two proposals instead of three.
Student Technology Fee
A language change was proposed within the Student Technology Fee Renewal and Replacement Referendum to clarify that the $35 dollar fee will not increase or decrease for five years. Gordon brought up that “students” should be changed to “associated students” in the document. The AS board agreed and approved that the referendum be added to ballots with the recommended changes.
Ethnic Studies
Similar to the Student Technology Fee Renewal and Replacement Referendum, the AS board passed the language change proposal for the Ethnic Studies Referendum, adding “associated students” within the document.
Smoke Free Campus Referendum
A motion to change the language within the referendum so that the document will contain the potential result of the student body’s vote regarding a smoke free campus was passed with majority.
Sustainability Action Fund
After discussion, the AS board chose to review the proposed name change to the Sustainability, Equity and Justice Fund regarding the Sustainability Action Fund Referendum at a later date, perhaps at the next board meeting.
Undocumented Student Support Fee
The referendum contains a motion to approve a language change, and the AS board could not come to a decision upon the referendum’s official statement, and will discuss further at a different date. A few typos were fixed in the document.
Board Reports:
- Gordon and Julia Rutledge, AS VP for Activities, have been making efforts to benefit the Food Pantry. Rutledge is submitting a Viking funder and a SAF grant is being worked on.
- Gordon has been working on proposed changes in meal plans.
- The Legislative Affairs Council discussed federal lobbying and wondered if more students should be involved.
- Positions within the Washington Student Association will be opening soon.
- Ten students will be leaving Wednesday, March 7 for the National Association for Ethnic Studies conference which will be in Virginia.
- Forty-two new faculty positions for the Fall and a new associate director for DRS were selected.