By Gwen Frost
Name: Ed Love
Position: Professor of Marketing, and Department Chair
Education background:
MBA in Finance and Management Information Systems, University of Arizona (Beta Gamma Sigma)
Bachelors Degree in History, The Evergreen State College.
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Claim to fame: Several articles published in cool places, return Peace Corp volunteer, in Undergrad he threw boomerangs competitively.
Love also used to own a chain of coffee houses called Cafe Northwest in the Washington, D.C. area.
- What did you want to be when you grew up (as a kid)?
A professor. At one point I thought I was going to be a History Professor, but I think just the idea of being in academia was appealing to me from a very very young age. Something about creating knowledge, and learning, and being in that kind of environment where that is the focus. There’s something very pure and wonderful about that.
- What would you sing at a karaoke night?
I wouldn’t. No. I would reluctantly attend if I had to.
AR: I would sing Carol King’s “It’s Too Late.”
EL: Actually the last and only time I think I have done karaoke, a friend of mine and I sang “Should I Stay or Should I Go.” And then we left.
- What are you reading right now/most recently? What’s it about?
I just finished Everybody Lies, which was great. It is about the application of day to day answers to social questions. Figuring out what we can learn from how people use the internet, the kinds of questions they ask the internet, what we can learn about the impact of going to a prestigious school versus a less prestigious school on a person’s success. There’s a lot to it, it’s an interesting book.
- Aside from necessities what are three things you couldn’t go a day without?
My kindle, tea… I mean go a day? It’s always hard to be away from my family. It’s very hard to be away from my family. I find that I have to go days without them, but… I would rather not.
- What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in the name of love?
EL: Oh lord. The craziest thing I’ve ever done in the name of love… Do you ask this of everyone, or only ask it of people whose last name is Love? Because it sort of changes the whole dynamic
AR: No, I ask everybody, I promise
EL: I proposed to my wife by creating a cypher that she had to solve using a book. Like a code, a series of numbers I had printed on a card. She had to solve that puzzle.
AR: Is her job related to that?
EL: No, but she’s very clever.
- What advice would you have given your college-undergrad self?
Believe in yourself.
- What is your favorite restaurant-prepared breakfast dish?
At home, I like steel-cut oats. That’s my favorite breakfast. I’m so boring, I’m incredibly boring.
- What job would you be terrible at?
So many jobs. I’ve had a lot of different jobs. Human resource manager. I’d be terrible at that. I’d be terrible as a dancer, comically bad. I’d say a male exotic dancer, would be uniquely bad.
Thanks for the lovely profile, Gwen! The University of Washington would probably like everyone to know that I have a PhD from the Foster School of Business as well.