By Brooklin Pigg
We ambushed 10 students outside the Wade King Rec Center ballot box to ask them why they’re voting. You can print your ballot out and put it in the dropbox until 8:00 p.m. More info here.

Anika Cook
Why are you voting?
“So that I have say. I can’t complain if I didn’t vote.”
What issues are you most interested in?

“The one with the environment, because I think the environment is something that we need to protect and taking the first step is really important.”
Kali Jose
Why are you voting?
“I just think it’s important to and that I can.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“Mostly reproductive rights and environmental.”

Mikayla Swanson
Why are you voting?
“Because I know it makes a difference, and I know that there’s been a shortage in voters and that really impacts the way turnout happens.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“Not on this years ballot specifically, but I think education is something we need to talk more about and definitely stricter restrictions on gun laws.”

Ally Delacruz
Why are you voting?
“Well, civic duty. It’s the first time I’ve ever voted. It’s weird, I’ve never been very educated on politics, but I felt like I needed to get educated so before I had to do it, I had to research.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“A lot of the tax ones, my thing was that as long as I know where it’s going to, that was as big thing for me. I don’t want to pay more money, but if it’s going to something that’s for the greater good.”

Leah Kjormoe
Why are you voting?
“Because I want to have some influence on decisions being made in my country.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“Clean energy, fighting climate change, enacting movements in that direction, getting rid of all the corrupt politicians, which is probably impossible, but it’s good to try. Even if my vote doesn’t change anything, at least showing that there’s support for certain concepts, like initiatives that are there.”

Noah Rogers
Why are you voting?
“It’s important, I guess.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“The police education or training.”

Henry Jowaisas
Why are you voting?
“I’m voting because I can. Also because a lot of my friends are telling me to, my mom is. I don’t feel like it directly affects me, but I know that it’s important so I thought I should vote.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“There’s the one initiative about turning police to de-escalate, not use their weapons and the initiative about climate change.”

Lily Bjork
Why are you voting?
“I think it’s important.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“The one about taxing the oil companies and the gun control one.”

Zachary Hillyard
Why are you voting?
“‘Cause I can.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“Health care, maybe.”

Collette Strickler
Why are you voting?
“Because I’ve been registered to vote for awhile, I’ve done it before. Also, I think social media has an influence on it.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“Probably the environmental ones.”

Jered Bocek
Why are you voting?
“‘Cause you have to.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“Initiative 1639 and 1631, gun training and pollution taxation.”

Steven Tanner
Why are you voting?
“Civic duty.”
What issues are you most interested in?
“I don’t know if there’s any I’m specifically interested in more than the others. 1631 is a really popular one so that’s what I know most about.”
You can put your ballot in the dropbox till 8 p.m. If you need a new one you can print it out. More info here.