Nine students are running to fill the position of AS VP for Business and Operations until the end of the school year. For more information about the position, read the job description here. Otherwise, check out the candidates below and vote here.

My name is Michael Prostka, a junior majoring in Business and Political Science. I’m throwing my hat into the ring because I believe I have the experience to make a difference on day one. I’ve spent the last two years working within University Residences as either an RHA board member or the SHADO Hall Council Representative. And while I’m no longer working for University Residences, I am more engaged than ever as an officer with “Students for a Self-Operated Dining System”: a club working to discontinue WWU’s relationship with Aramark after the current dining contract expires. As your VP, I will continue to fight for that new dining system, the sustainable reinvestment of money tied to fossil fuels and the allocation of resources towards mental health services. I’m an organized, detail-oriented individual with a love for googly eyes and cheesecake; I’ll work my hardest on your behalf–thanks.

I’m Erin Smith and I would love to serve as your Vice President of Business and Operations. I have a strong passion for public service, and I would use this position to respectfully and honestly represent Western students. I’ve spent three years here at the University and am involved in many different departments and activities, so I’m knowledgeable about how Western operates and how students feel about their school. I believe the relationship between Western and its students can be improved with better representation of student voices and opinions, and as your elected official I would be dedicated to this goal. I’m a strong leader, I’m a hard worker, and I’m passionate about the wellbeing of Western students. I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve this wonderful community.

My name is Eric Baril and I am seeking the position of Vice President of Business and Operations. I have been inspired to run because I feel this is my opportunity to become more involved on campus while getting a chance to work with and help my fellow students. This last year I have been a part of the Political Science Association and attended two lobby days in Olympia. On those lobby days I had a chance to work with other students as we met with state legislatures and fought for a better Western. If elected I would have a greater opportunity to hear from our diverse student body here on campus and fund and advocate for the needs of students. I want to finish this year strong by fighting for the issues students find most important. With your support and your vote, I know I can make this happen.

Hello, I’m Brandon Lane, if elected I will focus on three major points. Ensuring the AS is transparent, accountable and engaging for all students. More specifically, I will make the budget public and summarized in plain language available to everyone. I will work to make sure AS staff pre-schedule and publicly post their office hours. Additionally, I will encourage more students to participate in AS committees and elections. In my experience being chair of the Young Democrats of WWU, I have seen that club leaders do not have the sort of institutional support they need to be able to succeed. Something I would like to help the AS work towards is actively communicating to clubs the different resources at their disposal. Right now, it falls on the students to work to gain access to money and resources that is supposed to be set aside for them.

WE DESERVE JOY. It’s time for the AS to stop serving itself and start serving students. Here’s what I’ll work on as ASVP for Business and Operations
1) Increasing access by bringing the budget to students, advocating for truly gender-neutral bathrooms, and implementing structure changes to the AS, promised in 2017.
2) Eliminating barriers by simplifying every process, being honest about what the AS actually does, and addressing lacking student services.
Learn more and ask me anything at

Hi I’m Skyla, a senior Political Economy and History major, as well as an Executive Board member of the Young Democrats of WWU. The experience I’ve had as the Budget Officer in YDWUU gives me the unique mix of leadership and budgeting skills necessary to not only fulfill the role of ASVP for Bus-Ops as described, but to foster a safe and welcoming environment within the AS through open door policies and friendly collaboration. If elected, I would encourage open communication between AS offices and the student body to guarantee proper representation. I’d also ensure our money is pragmatically spent in a way beneficial to all students and faculty, including those under contract with third party employers. Disrespect of people’s identities, of AS employees, and of the student body will not be tolerated. I’d be honored to serve as your next VP for Bus-Ops, thank you for your consideration.

Since coming to Western, I have met so many interesting people from all walks of life. Our school contains a lot of differing opinions about the businesses on campus; my goal is to listen to all student’s perspectives regarding these businesses, and bring them to the vendors we use and enjoy everyday. Other issues facing the AS such as the battle for inclusivity and respect for minority and oppressed groups is also extremely important to me: I am here to represent everybody attending WWU, and will fight for what you believe in. In the past year, I have served as the Hall Council President for Edens-Higginson, and I feel that I have learned so much about our students and community, and am ready to use that knowledge to improve the AS. Have Western your way, and elect Adam Bullard for AS VP for Business and Operations!

As a fourth year student at Western, I have experienced common miscommunication between students and Associated Students and other facilities on campus. Because of my experience with sociology and activism, I have a strong sense of right and wrong.
I am passionate about social justice and amplifying the voices of marginalized students. I have attended many ESC events during my time at Western in order to educate myself on equity and compassion. I have learned to not only acknowledge the differences of people but also respect those differences.
I have participated in many conversations about the environment at Western, ranging from safety to cost of attendance. As students, we pay a significant amount of money to attend Western and I want to ensure AS works for every member of the Western community. AS VP for Business and Operations, I will make the internal structure of AS equitable, fair, and efficient.

Hi, I’m Kyle McCaffery – a Computer Science major in my fourth year at WWU. While I am not an accounting major, like the previous person to hold this office; I do truly enjoy math, and am working a minor in mathematics. (I taken both the personal finance and microeconomics classes at Western just for the fun of it). What I hope to bring to this office is my enthusiasm for numbers and a willingness to ensure that the money students pay towards their tuition is put to good use. Currently, I am a volunteer in several committees at WWU, such as the Student Technology Fee Committee, where I work to make sure that money gathered from the students is making an impactful difference, and that it is being used for all students. If I were elected, I would like to leverage the position to organize and petition the state for additional funding for public education, so that tuition costs are not such a burden, and also fight to ensure that existing revenue streams are thoughtfully managed and balanced to make higher education more easily accessible regardless of financial ability. Additionally, we need to look into expanding funding for new construction as our campus is becoming crowded with a high student population and nowhere to put them. I would be honored if I could serve in this position, and given the opportunity to make a positive difference on the lives of the students at WWU. Thank you, Kyle McCaffery