Designed by Jacob Carver//AS Review
Note from the Editor: Candidates submitted these statements to the AS Review for this voter’s guide. We made no edits. Photos by Ella Banken.
Adah Barenburg

I am running for the Student Senate Pro Tempore position because I believe in the power of student voices to create change at WWU. I have been lucky to serve as the elected Senate Vice Chair this year working directly with the Pro Tempore on student issues and hope to bring this experience to this new position. Also, through my position as an At-Large Senator representing all those who are undeclared I have worked on issues such as a self sustaining dining system, housing, racial slurs in the classroom, sustainable investment, GUR requirements, and to ensure the continued inclusion of historically marginalized communities. While I am originally from Washington state I have had the experience of living overseas for five years in South Korea and Italy. At WWU, I am an actively involved in my community as a tour guide and by volunteering through the Honors program, Young Democrats, Model United Nations, and as a hall representative for my housing community. I look forward to representing you.