Designed by Jacob Carver//AS Review
Note from the Editor: Candidates submitted these statements to the AS Review for this voter’s guide. We made no edits. Photos by Ella Banken.
Selome Zerai

Associated Students clubs have been central to my college experience at Western. I am the founder and the current president of the National Society of Black Engineers on campus, and have been the board of two additional clubs within the Ethnic Student Center. These positions have provided me with the opportunity to learn about promoting club events, budgeting club funds, and managing club paperwork. Previously, I have attended president council and activities council meetings. My leadership in these clubs makes me qualified to be your AS Vice President for Activities.
As your VP for Activities, I will work to make sure I will represent all clubs on campus and make each student voice heard. AS clubs on campus have been where I connected with my peers and found my community- and I want to help ensure that other students feel the same.