Designed by Jacob Carver//AS Review
Note from the Editor: Candidates submitted these statements to the AS Review for this voter’s guide. We made no edits. Photos by Ella Banken.
Tatum Eames

To be frank, Western is not a flawless institution. As a University, Western has missed opportunities to protect its most vulnerable students, ignored the safety needs of campus, and neglected to address the actual needs of the student body again and again. We need someone who can maximize the potential of this position, and of this institution. I am running for the ASVP of Governmental Affairs because I know I can achieve that purpose. I believe in our values of equity, activism, and leadership. As a Political Science major Sociology minor, I have a passion for civic engagement and
I understand how to navigate complex government systems. I’ve got the knowledge, passion, and ambition to make this position the most effective as possible. Please join me as we push Western, and ourselves, to keep improving. Vote for Tatum Eames as your next ASVP of Governmental Affairs.
Astrid Dueñas Diaz

Hello, I am Astrid Dueñas Diaz and I am eager to run for ASVP for Governmental Affairs. As a kid, I experienced being ignored, talked over, overlooked and, as a political science student and through various jobs I have held, I’m aware and have seen politics make people feel the same.
I want to make sure that the students at Western do not have that experience. With lobby days, ensuring that they are organized with the same amount of dedication and time, especially between Western Lobby Day and Western Intersectional Lobby Day. Also, working as a representative of the student body, one goal is to be connected to various communities and people on campus, either through committees or going to clubs/events. So, that I can better represent the thoughts and sentiments of people on campus.
Government is difficult and has barriers but I will ensure that you are heard.
Grace Dreschel

Hi! I’m Grace Drechsel, a Political Science major and ESJ minor running for ASVP for Governmental Affairs.
I am committed to connecting students to political engagement. During my time at WWU, I have had a blast interacting with peers through voter registration drives and organizing outreach for student legislative action. Through my involvement in the AS, I also planned lobbying efforts in Olympia, advocated for students at the Washington Student Association assembly, organized and attended Legislative Affairs Council, and helped put on civic engagement events.
As VP, I will use my experience to translate student voices into tangible action and increase accessibility to politics. I promise to invite more input on the AS legislative agendas, simplify the way we talk about political systems and processes to limit confusion and increase access, and embody what it means to be an accountable elected official.
Vote #GraceForGov!