Designed by Jacob Carver//AS Review
Note from the Editor: Candidates submitted these statements to the AS Review for this voter’s guide. We made no edits. Photos by Ella Banken.
Emily Gerhardt

My name is Emily Gerhardt and I am running to be your AS VP for Student Services. As an RA, I have had the opportunity to work collaboratively with students to address concerns regarding campus safety, a corrupt dining system, and a consistent lack of follow-through by administrators. To build camraderie with student-staff, I have held discussions with WWU administration and have been vocal on issues concerning the burden of change falling in the laps of already overworked students. As your VP, I want to continue advocacy work by utilizing WWU’s legacy of student involvement and ensuring that administrators provide evidence of change. It’d be my pleasure to work for WWU students and ensure our administrators are prioritizing student success alongside institutional goals. I also commit to creating platforms for students of marginalized identities and ensure their voices are amplified and heard. Together, our voices will be heard.