Fourth-year students Matt Braun, Antonia Goldman and Tianna Patrick in the Depot Market indoor space. Joe Addison // AS Review
Correction issues 10/15: Matt Braun’s name was misspelled.
Story and Photos by Joe Addison
Western hosted the annual Paint B’ham Blue on Sept. 25. Starting in Red Square, students gathered before marching downtown in a parade led by local band Analogue Brass, the Associated Students Executive Board of Directors and WWU Cheer.
At the end of the parade, alumni and their families cheered on students as they passed into the Bellingham Herald parking lot. A banner hung off the side of the Herald building and pens were available for students to sign it.
Below the parking lot at the Depot Market Square a stage was set up. Local businesses had booths and stalls set up inside the Depot Market’s indoor area and along the outside, for students to visit. Students, alumni, families and community members explored the booths and businesses set up around the square.
Railroad Avenue runs parallel to the square and was closed for the event, allowing for food trucks and WWU Racing to set up in the road.
AS Board President Lani Defiesta and University President Sabah Randhawa both delivered speeches before the Herald sign changed color.
“Paint B’ham Blue is a wonderful part of the way we welcome students to Western, and help get them connected to the greater Bellingham community, fostering a sense of belonging and community is a crucial part of a successful student experience, and Paint B’ham Blue helps us extend that sense of belonging beyond the boundaries of campus from the start,” President Randhawa said, in an email provided by the Alumni Association after the event.
Fireworks launched off the roof of the Herald building following President Randhawa’s countdown and the color of the Herald sign changing to Western blue.
The Western Alumni Association, who organized the event, estimated that 2400 students were in attendance and 340 alumni and community members participated in the event.

Students gather in Red Square prior to the start of the parade.

Analogue Brass who led the parade, warms up while students gather in Red Square.

WWU Cheer hanging out by the fountain in Red Square before the parade.

The AS Executive Board led the parade, from left to right Selome Zerai, Adah Barenburg, Grace Drechsel, Lani Defiesta and Yesugen Battsengel.

High Street filled by students following the parade downtown.

Alumni cheering and ringing bells as students enter the Herald building parking lot.

Students sign their names on the large banner attached to the side of the Herald building.

Students signing their names on the large banner which reads “Home of the Vikings.”

Students receiving stamps on the backs of their hands after swiping their Western ID cards to access the event.

WWU Racing shows a young community member around the car before asking if they would like to climb inside.

Students jump on the stage before the stage crew removed them.

Dancing in front of the stage, waiting for the fireworks to start.

Students and food trucks fill the closed block of Railroad Avenue, adjacent to the square.

A student crowd-surfing before the fireworks.

The color change of the Herald sign from red to Western blue is celebrated with fireworks.

Alumna Anna Schorr and fourth-year students Natalie VanDiest and Sarah Bahzab, enjoying the event with a few of the freebies given away by the university and other businesses.

The Herald Building’s famous sign lit up blue behind the featured musical acts of the night.