AS Board Update: 2/14

The AS Board poses on Friday, Sept. 27. Joe Addison // AS Review

By Stella Harvey

At the Associated Students Executive Board meeting on Feb. 14, AS President Lani Defiesta, VP for Sustainability Trever Mullins and Senate Pro-tempore Adah Barenburg were absent.

The board reviewed the Student Trustee Selection Committee charge and charter, which recommends three to five Student Trustee candidates. The board then approves the candidates and sends them to the Governor of Washington, who selects one student trustee. The Student Trustee acts as a student representative on the Board of Trustees, sitting in on meetings to give a student perspective. The Board of Trustees is Western’s final authority, governing board and legal owner and creates policy for the university which is then carried out by Western’s administration. 

VP for Governmental Affairs Grace Drechsel said that Defiesta wanted to ask the board how to better advertise both the selection committee and the Student Trustee position. Drechsel said in the past, it has been difficult to find people to apply for both the committee and the Student Trustee position. 

Emily Gerhardt, VP for student services, brought up that the Student Trustee position at Western is not compensated, other than the cost of meals and travel required for the job. The board agreed to think of ways to promote both positions.

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