AS Spring Voter Guide graphic. Soleil de Zwart // AS Review
Note from the Editor: Candidates submitted their statements and photos to the AS Review for this voter’s guide. We made no edits.
For more information of how voting will work, check out our AS Spring Election Guide.
Nicole Ballard

I am a Junior majoring in Political Science and Sociology. I am finishing my second term as a Student Senator where I consistently and passionately advocated for student voices at Western. I worked in the REP Office for the last two years where I facilitated the largest voter registration drive in Washington, worked to make voting more accessible, helped craft the legislative agenda, and was on the planning team to execute Lobby Day. With this legislative session being a budget year, it is the perfect time to advocate for more mental health services, more resources for marginalized students, and to continue the push to create an Ethnic Studies curriculum at WWU, along with other issues that students want to advocate for. I am excited to serve the students of WWU, creating long-lasting change on campus and in the various levels of government as your VP for Governmental Affairs.
Madi Miller

Here at Western we have worked hard to establish inclusion and equal opportunity throughout our student body in Bellingham. However, some in our community still struggle to be heard in such a big crowd. My name is Madi Miller and I am running for AS VP for Governmental Affairs. I want to help build agendas tailored for every member of Western’s community and most importantly help not just some voices be heard but all.
Seth Stevens

Hello! My name is Seth Stevens, and I am running for ASVP for Governmental Affairs. Political involvement amongst students has the ability to sway large decisions that directly impact our daily lives, especially here at WWU. Coming out of a time of uncertainty, we have the ability to redefine our wants and needs here at WWU. As your ASVP for Governmental Affairs, I will make sure your voice is HEARD. My vast experience working in the private sector with many different governmental bodies will allow me to do just that. The students at Western deserve a leader that will not only hear their wants and needs, but will actively advocate for them. Change happens when voices are heard; let me help you make that change. #SethForASVP