AS Student Senate Elections: Huxley College of the Environment


Voting for AS Student Senate Elections will take place from 12:00 a.m. Monday, Oct. 25 to 4:00 p.n. Friday, Oct. 30.

The students running to represent the Huxley College of the Environment are: Chloe Bonsen, Niki Crowe, Janie Egan, Mikayla Hare, Francis Neff, Sydney Otto, Olivia Palmer, Molly Peterson, Ariel Shiley, Lileigh Thomas, Cassidy Thornton and Laura Wagner.

Chloe Bonsen

Hi, my name is Chloe Bonsen. I am a senior studying Urban Planning and Sustainable Development with a minor in Disaster Risk Reduction. I grew up in Mount Vernon, Washington. I don’t have a political background, but I would make sure that all Environmental Science and Studies students’ voices are heard if I was elected. I want to advocate for you and protect your rights, which is especially important during the current times! During previous years, I am also aware that many changes haven’t had the impact as they were intended to, and I want to advocate for those changes to have the large, yet positive effects they were meant to have. I see Western’s future being more sustainable and environmentally focused. To make this possible tremendous and radical changes need to be made. I feel that I can use my voice to advocate for the changes YOU want!

Niki Crowe

Hi, my name is Niki! I’m a junior/senior at Western, studying Environmental Policy, French, and Economics. I think I could be a great student representative in the Senate since I am quiet and thoughtful, yet speak up and make things happen when change is best or needed! I want to ensure that Western is supporting us in all the ways it can during these challenging times and always moving toward more sustainable goals. ​Please tend to your mental health and know you are loved, Niki.

Janie Egan

As our community rebuilds from COVID-19, we must create new strategies to confront environmental and social justice, and student voices must be heard. My enthusiasm for this mission, my passion for leadership, and my experience with the legislative process all make me highly qualified to represent Huxley in the AS Student Senate. In addition to being president of my class in high school, I wrote and presented a resolution for a transition to 100% clean energy to my local city council. More recently, I have cultivated community despite COIVD-19 through my leadership role at WA Base Camp. These experiences have strengthened my skills in conflict resolution, active listening, and the legislative process, all of which I will bring to the table as a problem solver for Huxley. If given the opportunity, I will passionately serve as a representative of our community, using my voice to create positive change.

Mikayla Hare

I would be honored to represent Huxley students on the student senate as a second year environmental studies major and psychology minor. I have experience serving on the executive boards of clubs in high school. As a liaison for Key Club, I frequently attended meetings with Kiwanians to advocate for their support of my club and peers. At a week-long Sierra Student Coalition training, I learned how to make the environmental movement more inclusive and accessible for marginalized and underrepresented communities. I aim to represent the interests of all Huxley students including meeting the demands of the Black Student Organizations such as hiring more Black faculty and making Huxley curriculum more intersectional to reflect the diversity of experiences with the environment. I hope to serve you as your next Huxley student senator!

Francis Neff

My name is Francis Neff and I am running for AS Senator for Huxley College of the Environment. This fall starts my third year at Western Washington, double majoring in Political Science and Environmental Science as well as being a student in the Honors program. Through volunteering at KUGS radio, serving as Communications Director of the Young Democrats of WWU, working on student engagement in local politics, and more I have experienced how outstanding Western is and also heard of many areas where we can do better. As a Senator it will be my top priority to represent my peers and ensure everyone has a voice as we fight through the COVID pandemic and make dynamic change to Western. I would be grateful for your support and it is my hope this can be the start of a prosperous year working together for the betterment of WWU.

Sydney Otto

I’m Sydney Otto, presently a Huxley college upperclassman who has a grounded belief in voices being heard. With prior leadership experience in both work and AS club settings, I have found myself to be a supported representative of the people I work with. ASWWU Senators work to make sure different ideas and perspectives are brought to the table, and while I don’t claim to have omnipotent knowledge of every headspace, I do trust my ability to encourage others to bring theirs forward, as well as offering my own. As a former club vice president, I have practice doing this exact job, and hope to offer the same support as a Huxley representative. The only way to solve a problem efficiently is by bringing new angles to the table. With a focus on sustainability, outreach, diversity, and inclusion, I believe that we can do so.

Olivia Palmer

My name is Olivia Palmer and I’m running to represent your voice in the WWU student senate. As an environmental journalism major, I seek to engage a diverse range of perspectives from Huxley and from the Western community as a whole. My goal is to work with Western students to take direct action on issues like anti-racism, protecting students during the COVID-19 pandemic, and creating new solutions for sustainability. I have a strong background in leadership and community engagement; I’ve served as a committee chair for the Washington Global Issues Network Conference, and have enjoyed leading and engaging with a variety of communities on campus and off. It would be an honor to use my skills to advocate for Western voices as your student senator.

Molly Peterson

You don’t need me to reiterate how difficult this year has been. We have all been living it. We all know. Our country has been going through a cultural revolution and our school is a microcosm of that experience. It is vital that our school reflects our collective values and that you have a Senator that can uphold them. As an Environmental Studies major with a focus on Policy, my goal is to pursue both the environmental issues and the social issues that our school faces. As Senator, my goals will focus on my own LGBTQ+ community, helping raise our BIPOC voices, supporting the disabled community and their fight for reasonable accommodations, supporting Shred the Contract, helping students with affordable housing and food security, and keeping our community healthy with our recycling and compost programs. I have marched for these issues, attended demonstrations, signed petitions, and donated to these causes. Now I am ready to pursue a leadership position making sure that the administration no longer ignores our voices and that changes are made.

Tyler Sanderson

Howdy! I’m Tyler Sanderson, a Senior at WWU. I am working towards my BS in Environmental Science and I plan to pursue a master’s degree after graduation. Being an environmentalist wasn’t the plan while growing up in Texas, but after relocating to Anacortes in 2013, the people and resources dedicated to protecting Anacortes helped guide me to where I am today. Recently, I joined a concerned group of Anacortes High School alumni in tackling problems of inequality and equity within the Anacortes School District by working with city council members and the school district. My role in these meetings consisted of taking minutes, identifying points of contact, and researching topics of interest. This has given me valuable experience that I will use as a student senator. If elected, I will ensure everyone’s voices are heard during these uncertain times and strive to make Western a more equitable campus for all.

Ariel Shiley

My name is Ariel Shiley and I will be running for ASWWU Student Senator representative for Huxley college. I am a senior in Huxley with interest in science communication and oceanography. As a representative of Huxley students, I will advocate for the use of ethical and eco-friendly companies in our dining services. I also want to recognize that sustainability can sometimes be exclusive to certain social classes. Using support from WWU, I will strive to enact sustainable swaps on campus and options for students outside of campus to make sustainability an easy and accessible option for all students. With COVID-19 in mind, the money that we as students put into the college should be used to benefit us in these hard times. I promise that as your representative, any help that the school can provide, will be provided.

Lileigh Thomas

Hi, I’m Lileigh and I’m a fourth-year Environmental Science major! The Student Senate is one of our best opportunities as students to make our concerns and demands heard by our administration. I believe I would be an effective Student Senator because I chaired the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee for Huxley as the only student representative and am comfortable talking with people in positions of power within the College. As your Senator, I would hold weekly office hours to hear about your needs! I recognize my experience is not universal, therefore Senators can only be effective if everyone’s concerns are voiced. Thank you for your consideration and please vote! Disclaimer: As a white student at Western, I understand that my experience on campus is significantly different than Black, Indigenous, and other students of color. If elected I will support WWU Community Aid with a percentage of my monthly position earnings.

Cassidy Thornton

Hello! My name is Cassidy Thornton (she/her) and I am running to be your Huxley Student Senator. As your senator, I will take the steps necessary to empower students’ voices who do not feel their concerns are being heard and acted upon. My current role working on state campaigns for Democrats as well as serving as a community representative on the City of Bellingham’s Community Development Advisory Board provides me experience incorporating all perspectives and backgrounds to my work. I am open-minded, engaged, and would be honored to represent Huxley College as a student senator. Thanks for your consideration.

Laura Wagner

As an Environmental Science student, these past 8 to 9 months have been ones of extensive reflection.Throughout months of exposing racist systems, climate change threats, and a pandemic, it is clear now more than ever that climate justice is social justice. As an AS Senator for Huxley, I am determined to be an accessible safe space for anyone, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status, to have the hard, but necessary discussions about race, COVID’s impacts on the university and student mental health, and other challenges in order to create positive, lasting change for Western’s community and environment. Growth comes from our discomfort and I’m not afraid of uncomfortable conversations. Please contact me at or visit my IG laura4senator to see my more detailed goals for the 2020-2021 year or if you have any questions!

Editor’s Note: All photos and statements were provided by the candidates and not edited in any capacity by the AS Review. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Correction issued Oct. 14, 2020 at 2:33 p.m. to remove Evan Achten, Elena King and Sarah Quenemoen from the candidate list.

Correction issued Oct. 15, 2020 at 12:37 p.m. to remove Thomas Carmona from the candidate list.

Correction issued Oct. 23, 2020 at 3:38 p.m. to remove Vivian Voth and Jacob Warren from the candidate list.

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