Voting for AS Student Senate Elections will take place from 12:00 a.m. Monday, Oct. 25 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30.
The students running to represent the College of Fine and Performing Arts are: Kim Hoang, Jennie LeVeque, Monty Rozema, Kharma Stambaugh and Aidyn Stevens.

Kim Hoang
Hello, my name is Kim and I’m a Design Major at Western, I’m currently running for the Student Senate position because I want to voice out all the problems that students are facing during COVID-19 and to help provide the student’s community at WWU with better care. My goals as a student senate are to find out what are the problems students are facing and help them achieve their goals. I want to make the student community more connected and you can do that by voting for me to be a senator.

Jennie LeVeque
Hello! I am a third-year theatre/political science major who has been involved with the Associated Student in numerous capacities, whether working in the Womxn’s Identity Resource Center over the past and current year, or serving on committees like the Legislative Affairs Council and Elections Advisory committee. I have also been involved with other areas on campus such as Shred the Contract, Planned Parenthood Generation and the Social Justice and Equity Committee. Having this involvement with the University, I am knowledgeable on how this University operates. I am looking to serve in the senate to hold both the Associated Students and the College of Fine and Performing Arts accountable for meeting BSO’s demands and work to create a university that actually fulfills their statement of diversity equity and justice. Art is such a powerful way to express joy and it should be more accessible here at Western.

Monty Rozema
Hello Western! My name is Monty Rozema and I’m running to represent the CFPA in the AS Senate. I am dedicated to ensuring that students’ needs are being met and that Western’s resources are being actively put to use to support student access, safety, and creativity. Studying the performing arts is especially difficult amidst the challenges of COVID-19, and I hope to be a receptive advocate for anyone and everyone who is struggling. I am the current Artistic Director of Student Theatre Productions, an organization that promotes and produces student-created theatre and dance, and have plenty of experience in communication, leadership, and collaborative problem-solving. I have taken classes in the theatre, dance and music departments and am committed to understanding the varying needs of all kinds of performing arts students. I look forward to the opportunity to represent the students and performers on our campus as a potential CFPA Senator.

Kharma Stambaugh
I’m a third year Theatre Major and Dance Minor, with interests in performance, painting, writing, hiking, and politics. As a member of the AS Student Senate, I’d like to promote communication between the departments in the College of Fine and Performing Arts so that we can offer more opportunities that intersect departments and support students interested in all aspects of art, which is vital to avoiding overlapping opportunities that force students to choose between interests. As a creative involved in both the fine and performing arts, I know that as outspoken as our careers can be, there are still many voices who are silenced. I want this communication between departments to be led by student input, so that we can create projects, opportunities, and events that directly support our students and their voices, especially our BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students, who have historically been left out of the conversation.

Aidyn Stevens
My name is Aidyn Stevens and I’m running for Student Senator of CFPA. This is my second year at Western, I transferred from North Seattle College and am double majoring in Theatre and Music. The arts world is facing a reckoning when it comes to the inequity that runs rampant in institutions. As a place of higher education, our own structural downfalls need to be examined. I will work with existing and emerging anti-racism, equity, and justice groups across campus to implement changes at Western. I am passionate about the power artists have to make change. And I believe that interdisciplinary collaboration like the work the AS Senate does that focuses on joining perspectives and magnifying student voices is the best way to get that work done. I hope for your vote and look forward to hearing from you and bringing more connections to CFPA and the university at large.
Editor’s Note: All photos and statements were provided by the candidates and not edited in any capacity by the AS Review. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
Correction issued Oct. 17, 2020 at 3:26 p.m. to update Jennie LeVeque’s candidate statement in order to abide by length guidelines.