AS Student Senate Elections: College of Science and Engineering


Voting for AS Student Senate Elections will take place from 12:00 a.m. Monday, Oct. 25 to 4:00 p.n. Friday, Oct. 30.

The students running to represent the College of Science and Engineering are: Jazmine Balila, Olivia Chatters, Romane Frevol, Ankur Handa, Brenna Tennant and Alison Witwer.

Jazmine Balila

Representing the student body of our college, the College of Science and Engineering, means to center our learning. The process towards this student-centered education includes identifying professors teaching our classes, graduate assistants, administering bodies, and everyone else to also be students. They learn from us on our needs and the complex network of movements of our institution. Senators of our college work with issues and strengths within our college not through work that resets every school year, but the culminating efforts of our fellow students. Let’s continue this work for the betterment of our experiences that deeply affect our academic, professional, personal, and interconnected development. Through the projects that have been on-going, and those ideas that yet come to fruition, we need your input. I’m Jzy (/jah-zee or /jay-zee), ||All Pronouns||, from the Department of Chemistry, AMSEC, and Fairhaven College, and I’m running for your 2020-21 CSE Senator.

Olivia Chatters

My name is Olivia Chatters. I am a second-year transfer from Everett, WA. I’m very passionate about making STEM accessible for everyone no matter your gender identity or racial background. Without representation, students feel the pressure of representing their entire identity group and it shouldn’t be this way. My goal if elected, is to look at why BIPOC are underrepresented in the College of Science and engineering as well as how we can make those students feel supported and welcome in STEM spaces. Serving as a Senator for the College of Science and Engineering will allow me to represent my peers, while at the same time, building bonds between faculty and students. If given the opportunity, I will contribute my time and efforts into making a difference on campus. I know that this year has been difficult however, I want to help all students feel comfortable at Western.

Romane Frevol

My name is Romane (pronounced Roman), I am a Junior and I use she/her pronouns. My goal is to ensure that everyone within the College of Science and Engineering and WWU has a voice, whether it be on campus or several states away. Both my major and minor are within this College, and though the CSE is huge, I feel that I have a unique knowledge of several CSE departments and an ability to hear from peers from a multitude of places. The CSE has made efforts to be supportive and understanding to the needs of students during these times but there is always room for improvements, especially when it comes to racism and acknowledging the struggles of women and minorities in STEM fields. I wish to be a friend you can share your experiences, grievances, and stories with, in hopes of improving the CSE for all of its students

Ankur Handa

My name is ​Ankur Handa, and I am a person of color as well as a first-generation college student. I am running for Student Senate because I believe it is necessary to create a just, multicultural, and equitable community. As senators, we will accomplish this by ensuring that the Black Student Organization (BSO) demands are met and give them the platform and resources necessary to advocate for themselves. As a person of color, I understand the struggles that racism and microaggressions cause. However, I recognize that BIPOC do not have a monolithic experience which is why I believe it is important to have a diverse set of voices in our government. In addition to helping those of marginalized identities, we will ensure that low-income students and those with disabilities receive the aid they need to be successful. If elected, I will work with you to create a more inclusive campus.

Brenna Tennant

My name is Brenna Tennant, I’m a Bio/Anthro major in my Senior year at Western. I’m running to become a Student Senator for the College of Science and Engineering! My major lets me work closely with the CSE and the community at CHSS. I’m the Vice President of Anthropology Club, a uTA for foundational Biology classes, and involved with Bellingham through youth/adult outreach programs with LDST. My goals are to represent those in CSE struggling in this span of remote learning. I will be working alongside fellow senators to bring liberation from financial, housing, and technological insecurities clouding success. Also, to continue progress of an accessible and safe environment for Western’s Students of Color, Women, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, and discriminated against. Work is needed to keep our student’s from being exposed to preventable brutality. Especially within CSE. You can find me every Friday at Anthro Club or through my email!

Alison Witwer

I am a firm believer that our differences are what make us stronger. As a member of an undergraduate research program for underrepresented students in STEM and a member of LGBT+ Western clubs, my main priority as the CSE senator would be to listen, celebrate, and fight for the full breadth of people in STEM. We need to remove obstacles to education. By providing physical resources to those struggling, affirming minority student’s voices, and directing online opportunities for job development, we can support one another in these difficult times.

Editor’s Note: All photos and statements were provided by the candidates and not edited in any capacity by the AS Review. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Correction issued Oct. 15, 2020 at 12:39 p.m. to remove Tristan Maass from the candidate list.

Correction issued Oct. 17, 2020 at 3:29 p.m. to update Jazmine Balila and Courtney Yoshiyama’s candidate statements in order to abide by length guidelines.

Correction issued Oct. 20, 2020 at 12:58 p.m. to remove Courtney Yoshiyama from the candidate list.

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