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By PJ Heusted
The Associated Students Executive Board met on Friday, Oct. 16 for their fourth meeting of the 2020-21 academic year.
The Board added a section to their agenda preceding Public Forum to share updates about, discuss and review Black Student Organizations’ demands. This decision was made to give the topic its own dedicated space on the agenda as well as provide the opportunity for students to ask questions during the Public Forum.
Legislative Affairs Committee Charge and Charter
VP for Governmental Affairs Nicole Ballard shared the revised LAC Charge and Charter including updates to titles of members that the AS updated and to more accurately reflect the frequency of meetings.
The revisions were approved by the board unanimously.
Committee on Undergraduate Education Summer Task Force
The Board revisited the CUE Summer Task Force report from their meeting on Oct. 9 with guests from the CUE in attendance to answer questions and review the contents of the report.
Donna Qualley, English professor and chair of the CUE, shared the purpose of the committee and their goal of creating a more effective method of studying and learning topics regarding diversity, equity and justice at Western. The report itself discusses the committee’s suggestion to replace the current ACGM and BCGM requirements with a power, liberation, equity and justice (PLEJ) requirement.
The committee is still in the preliminary phase of planning and implementing the proposed changes, but currently the committee hopes to receive feedback from the Western community before continuing towards getting the suggested changes approved.
The committee plans to create a simplified summary document that highlights the most important information from the report to provide for students, faculty and staff to review.
Senate Pro-tempore Job Description
Senate Pro-tempore Sargun Handa proposed changes to her job description to change the role from a three-quarter position to a four-quarter position, increasing the hour allowance from 15 hours per week to 25 hours per week and an increase in salary to $15,000 per year.
The Board approved the changes to the job description with five members voting in favor and Handa abstaining from the vote.