Student Senate Update 4/7

AS Student Senate update graphic. PJ Heusted // AS Review

By PJ Heusted


Video Recording

The Associated Students Student Senate met on Wednesday, April 7 for their tenth meeting of the 2020-21 academic year.

Black Student Organization Demand Updates

Senator for the College of the Environment Francis Neff shared an update about the religious accommodations statement that he presented from the Academic Coordinating Commission [ACC] during the last meeting. 

Neff said that ACC revised their statement to reflect the feedback that they received from the senators. The statement now includes further detail in the definition of ‘reasonable accommodation’ and increased the flexibility in the deadline to inform professors of holidays that students celebrate.

Neff said that ACC passed the revised statement during their meeting on April 6.

Senator for the College of the Environment Laura Wagner shared updates from the Legacy Review Task Force including that members of the task force created a draft for a feedback form to send to students and that Wagner plans to host another online public forum for community members to ask questions and receive answers about Huxley, the college and the name change efforts.

AS Ethics Board Charge and Charter

VP for Governmental Affairs Nicole Ballard presented as a guest to share the current draft of a charge and charter for the proposed AS Ethics Board to handle the grievance process during AS elections.

Ballard said she used the feedback from previous meetings to change the process used to select students to sit on the ethics panels. The finalized plan is to randomly select six at-large students and to select an additional six at-large students who fill out an online form to be considered. Participating students will be compensated monetarily for their time and work on the panels.

Ballard said she is currently preparing informational materials in the form of graphics and videos to share with students. These materials aim to inform students of the changes to the grievance model and of how they can be involved through filling out the form to be considered for selection.

The senate approved the charge and charter with 17 votes in favor, zero against and zero abstaining.

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