Voting for AS Spring Elections will take place from 12:01 a.m. Thursday, May 20 to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 25.
The students running for the position of AS VP for Student Services are: Lydia Ashenafie, Kergan deVrij-Bradley, Jasmine Fast and Sameer Shorab.

Lydia Ashenafie
My name is Lydia Ashenafie, and I’m running for the position of AS VP for student services. I’m running for this position because I’m dedicated to improving student life at Western through programs and resources.

Kergan de-Vrij-Bradley
Hi, my name is Kergan deVrij-Bradley, a new transfer student at WWU. Even though I’m fresh on Western’s campus I’ve lived in Whatcom County for most of my life. Hopefully, I can take some of the experience I’ve gained engaging our community from my personal time and as the vice-president of the IMPACT club at WCC to make decisions with your best interests in mind. In the wake of COVID-19 and the previously existing challenges young people like us face, there are many uncertainties. I would like to help make Western a place that supports students better in such trying times, whether that be material needs, mental health needs, or community needs.

Jasmine Fast
My name is Jasmine Fast and I am running for the position of Vice President for Student Services. I love the tight knit community Western Washington University offers and want to be a bigger part of it. As a former Greenways Advisory Committee member and current Cordata Neighborhood Association Board Member, my interest in political activism brought to my attention areas and groups that are seldom represented. As a former AS At-Large Senate Member, I represent mothers, minority groups, family values, and the environment. ASWWU needs representation of single, working mothers that understand and empathize with the balance of home, work, and school life. I am committed to focusing resources to provide affordable childcare for student-parents on campus. Elect Jasmine Fast as your AS Vice President for Student Services.

Sameer Shorab
Making people smile is nice but receiving one back is always better. It brings me genuine joy to see people laugh and smile. In the Zoom era most of my smiling happens remotely. As a Washingtonian who values critical thought, creativity, and sustainability, and who greatly admires Western’s commitment to student success, I would be so grateful for an opportunity to serve on the executive board as the VP for Student Services. I am a person of color who is devoted to equity, justice, and respect for the rights and dignity of every person. I have always been told that my smile melts hearts, and my ability to cross the divisions of gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, and class will ensure I will be the perfect fit for the role. With my experience and smile I intend to continue working towards inclusion, diversity, equity, and kindness towards all humanity.