Voting for AS Spring Elections will take place from 12:01 a.m. Thursday, May 20 to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 25.
The students running to represent the College of the Environment: Cambria Keely, Jacob O-Donnell and Kiernan Park-Egan.

Cambria Keely
Hello! My name is Cambria Keely, and I am an Honors student double-majoring in Environmental Policy and Science. As a long-time frontline climate activist, I am experienced in intersectional environmentalism and I aim to build a sustainable future at Western by addressing climate injustices. I am eager and devoted to listening, learning, and taking action to support inclusivity by uplifting Black and Brown voices, and I am dedicated to creating a comfortable and accessible space for marginalized communities. In addition, I aim to hold our administration accountable to promoting climate equity and institutional change. I am proud to be a Western student, and with your vote to become your AS Senator for the College of the Environment, I will create permanent changes that meet the needs of the community and promote growth within our university. Please reach out to me at with any questions. Thank you!

Jacob O’Donnell
As the Associated Students Senator for the College of the Environment I will build upon what we’re doing well as a college, such as the name change process, and address areas where we need to improve, such as doing our part to fulfill the rest of the Black Student Organization’s Demands with Black representation and playing a larger role in driving sustainability efforts at Western. To my constituents, I will bring my skills of listening to and valuing diverse perspectives, my ability to look at the big picture while paying attention to detail and the needs of individuals, my deep care and respect for everyone regardless of identity or background, my ability to bring people together towards a common goal, and my drive to take action and persevere through all challenges, all with integrity and transparency. I will bring the dedication and spirit of Bernie Sanders to the AS Senate

Kiernan Park-Egan
Hello, my name is Kiernan Park-Egan, and I’m a geography major at Huxley College. As student body treasurer of Skagit Valley College for the 2019-2020 academic year, I was chair of their Student Tech Fee Committee and appropriated over $400,000 to campus projects that year. I also founded Skagit Valley College’s Dodgeball Club and graduated from SVC with honors. As one of your senators at Huxley, I will be very responsive to student’s needs. I am very approachable and always available to help fellow students. I will work with other senators to address campus issues swiftly and effectively. I promise to dedicate as much effort to solving the problems of fellow students as I do for my own schoolwork, and I currently have a 4.0 GPA. Have a great year and I hope to work with you soon!