Our podcast, Tripping on Bricks, is back for another year! For our first episode, we thought to have a spooky Halloween theme, as it’s an important holiday in college. As we debate hot topics and read Halloween horror-scopes, listen in, while you walk to class or drive to campus.
https://youtu.be/XxTgwvwobrQ Edited By: Shayna Dumont Welcome back to the first Tripping on Bricks Podcast of the year! We hope this is the spookiest episode so far. Watch as our Wavelength team discusses all things Halloween and get you in the spooky mood this Oct. 31. In this episode we share…
https://youtu.be/gMBTE4hTX9c Edited By: Shayna Dumont Join us for the 3rd annual Tripping on Bricks Halloween Podcast! In this episode our hosts Lily and Molly talk with Shayna and Ronan about all things spooky including: Our favorite mythical creatures, halloween movies, and costumes Haunted spots on campus and the haunted horoscopes…
By: Shayna Dumont https://youtu.be/BqblswfrJqM This week, Tripping On Bricks brings on our beloved Bellingham band, Frog Rocket! Join us as we hear about the band, go back in time with Tim and Abbey, and hear an amazing live performance!