Various students strike a pose for Style Spotlight in their fall fits. Sophia Nunn // Wavelength
By: Sophia Nunn
After a hot summer where minimal clothing is a must, welcome to Style Spotlight: Fall Edition, where we capture the chillest of fall fits on campus.
Style Spotlight’s goal is to showcase the diverse fashion of Western Washington University! Day one started off on a promising foot with clear skies and excitement from students to get in front of the camera. I felt a new sense of confidence with our project and was excited for the day ahead of us. Our second day, however, came with a few obstacles; an hour into shooting, we were hit with Bellingham rain. Dancing with our equipment and stumbling up Red Square, we found shelter under Miller Hall, as reflected in the last few photos.
Although it was chilly and sprinkled with rain, thank you to everyone who participated and got their photo taken. We’ll see you next spring for the third edition! Check out our previous edition, to get ready for the next one.