By: Kaeson Warnes
Entering college is a huge transition for many students here at WWU. Student living situations can vary widely: some students stay with their families, many move into dorms with other students, others move into apartments of their own. With these transitions, the idea of what one considers to be “home” can eventually shift. Students’ spaces and items provide a sense of stability and comfort during this tumultuous time in life. Their spaces can also serve as a reflection of their identities and life story. Join me in my exploration on the meaning of our homes here at Wavelength.

A series of photos taken in Abbey’s room. Kaeson Warnes // Wavelength
We first begin at Abbey’s home, where she lives off-campus with her roommate. Abbey’s room is plastered with various band posters, memories of friends, and remnants of the places she’s visited. During her free time, Abbey enjoys playing guitar and listening to music. Her favorite band is the Smiths, evidenced by the large poster hanging front-and-center in her room. As our conversation grew deeper, Abbey explained her experience growing and changing during her senior year at WWU. She highlighted the uncertainties between her studies, her personal goals, and projects she would like to finish this year, and her professional goals within her career. These uncertainties play out in how she engages in video creation and art within her space.
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Image 1: A WWU Parking citation hanging on Abbey’s wall, between a sticker from Fat Shack reading “I Heart Fat Doobies”, and a name card for the AS student office. Below are bottles of lotion, pens, and sunscreen on her desk.
Image 2: A close-up of Abbey holding her guitar.
Image 3: Abbey sitting in front of her computer at her desk, from the perspective of if we were looking over her shoulder. She is holding a blue microphone, and her computer shows a video file she is working on.
Image 4: The far wall of Abbey’s room, with a rainbow circle lighting up the center of the frame. On her wall is a purple electric guitar, a body-length mirror, multiple band posters, an Alaska license plate, and a sign reading “Abbey Road”.
Image 5: Abbey smiling and sitting on her office chair while holding a guitar in the middle of her room. Around her is her desk, her bed covered in colorful blankets, and bright band posters covering her walls.

A series of photos taken in Lily’s room. Kaeson Warnes // Wavelength
Next, we visit Lily’s on-campus dorm, which she shares with multiple roommates. Lily’s experiences living with assigned roommates ranges from heartwarming to comedic…and of course frustrating at times. Lily’s room is bright and naturally lit, making the nature-inspired art on her walls pop. Her belongings consist of many sentimental pieces which represent her family and her life story. One item that caught my eye was her collection of jewelry; with many of the beautiful pieces inside having been hand-crafted by her grandfather. Lily enjoys cooking various recipes for herself and spends many nights preparing delicious home-cooked meals after class. Lily lives by a motto of happiness and joyful vibes, which she aims to promote within her space.
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Image 1: Lily smiling and holding a printed photo of her mother when she was young, along with a recent photo of herself.
Image 2: A close-up of Lily holding a white leather box full of rings, earrings, and bracelets. She is pointing towards the box with one hand, while wearing a large pink ring from the box.
Image 3: A kitchen sink filled with dirty Tupperware, pots, and bowls. Surrounding the sink are clean dishes along with various potted plants.
Image 4: A close-up of Lily holding a fortune-cookie paper that reads, “Never bring unhappy feelings into your home.”
Image 5: Lily laying down in her bed listening to music and looking out her window. Her walls feature bright drawings of nature and people.

A series of photos taken in Shayna’s room. Kaeson Warnes // Wavelength
Afterwards, we venture to Shayna’s apartment off-campus, where she lives with multiple roommates and a cat named Cowboy. Shayna’s walls are filled to the brim with art from all her favorite illustrators, pictures of her friends and family, and reminders of her favorite places to visit. Shayna enjoys a wide variety of music. She currently is into Foster the People, which we listened to together as we talked. Shayna explained her passion for thrifting and revealed that most of her decorations and wardrobe were second-hand scores. Despite living in Bellingham, Shayna also finds a sense of home through her family in California, which can be seen through scattered trinkets and photos throughout her room.
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Image 1: A close-up of Shayna turning the pages in a scrapbook. The page reads “Home: Encinitas, California” and features a picture of a landscape and two labeled pictures of her family.
Image 2: A red record player with an orange record inside. Next to the record player is a large stack of CDs and other records.
Image 3: A close-up photo of a brown hat with a windmill on it, reading “Solvang, CA”.
Image 4: Shayna sitting on her bed, smiling, holding a white and brown cat. Around her is a desk with two computer monitors, school supplies, and her walls are very full of art and photos.
Image 5: Shayna putting on eyeliner in a mirror, as if we are viewing her from over her shoulder. Around the mirror are various personal hygiene items, a brown and white plaid hat, and a pair of white fuzzy earmuffs.

A series of photos taken in Tim’s room. Abbey Raynes // Wavelength
Next, we visit Tim’s apartment, where he resides off-campus with 2 roommates. As a Creative Writing major and overall avid writer, Tim spends long hours at his desk working diligently on personal novels, poetry, and classwork. The abundance of novels in his room, along with quotes that accompany many of his pictures, point to the sources which Tim finds inspiration for his works. Pictures of his loved ones and close interests surround him as he writes. Soft candlelight and ambient music fills Tim’s room, creating a space of comfort and peace. Tim values the close relationships he forms with his friends and family, of which he is reminded through the signatures and drawings left by visitors on his kitchen table. He also keeps a drawing of his old family dog, Beckett, who was memorialized by his roommate. Tim’s choice of sentimental decorations shows the close connection and feeling of belonging he receives from his loved ones.
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Image 1: Tim’s black Sony headphones on top of the book, “Chelsea Girls”. Underneath these items is a Chromebook covered with stickers.
Image 2: A wooden kitchen table with drawings of hearts, a cake, and a moose. Underneath these drawings are the names “Leah”, “Hannah”, and “Abbey”.
Image 3: Tim holding a wooden picture frame, which contains a pencil drawing of a dog in the bottom corner. Behind the dog is a drawing of a mountain landscape, black ribbons, and black and white pictures of dresses.
Image 4: Tim holding a wooden picture frame, which contains a pencil drawing of a dog in the bottom corner. Behind the dog is a drawing of a mountain landscape, black ribbons, and black and white pictures of dresses.
Image 5: Tim laying in bed listening to music with his phone in his hand. Above him on his wall are posters from movies, band posters, a whiteboard, and a windowsill filled with books.

A series of photos taken in Kaeson’s room. Kaeson Warnes // Wavelength
Lastly, we reach my apartment, where I live alone off-campus with my cats Emmett and Willis. Most of my time is spent away in classes, at work, or out exploring local trails. When I am home, I spend much of my time reading, sewing, taking care of my pets, and listening to music. My walls are filled with framed pieces by all my favorite artists. Strings of lights hang across the ceiling, so I never have to turn on the harsh overhead lights. One of my most valued possessions includes my “Feline Good” mug, which greets me every morning as I prepare a cup of coffee before heading to class. My home is still a work in progress, much like my own identity; but each piece strives to create a space for myself and others to feel welcome.
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Image 1: A black and white coffee cup with depictions of cats and flowers, featuring the words “Feline Good” on the inside rim. The cup is full of coffee, and milk is shown being poured into it.
Image 2: A black, white, and tan illustration in a white frame of a body with mushrooms, with words reading “let yourself grow”.
Image 3: A wooden shelf holding many books, with a crochet ivy plant at the end of the shelf.
Image 4: Kaeson sitting in a brightly colored sofa chair reading with a black cat in their lap. Around them are spaced-out frames on the wall, a multi-color irregular shaped rug on the floor, a bookcase, and a TV.
Image 5: Kaeson looking into a mirrored cabinet in front of the bathroom sink. Surrounding is a door-hanger skeleton decoration, toiletries, and a band poster on the wall.