
By: Ronan Lynch

Mushrooms: they are everywhere, but in the middle of the forest, how do you know which ones to leave on the trail and which ones to take back home to eat? 

Cooking edible mushrooms takes time and patience. Depending on the size, cooking the vibrantly orange lobster mushroom takes around 5 to 10 minutes to pan-fry thoroughly. There are many ways to cook mushrooms you find in the woods, from in the oven to on the stovetop.  

As shown in the video, the lobster mushrooms were cooked in the pan for several minutes. Before cooking the mushrooms, butter was added to the pan, slowly melting, and coating the surface. Then the chopped lobster mushrooms were thrown in and sprinkled with salt. A simple recipe to bring out the golden texture of an edible mushroom. 

An easy recipe for lobster mushrooms: 

Sautéed Lobster Mushrooms Recipe ( 

An easy recipe for the Pacific golden chanterelles found in the forest: 

Easy Sautéed Chanterelle Mushrooms Recipe – Eat Simple Food 

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