Underground Coffeehouse hosts Star Wars trivia contest

ABOVE: Image courtesy of http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/hledej.php?hleda=space
By Josh Hughes
On Tuesday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m., the Underground Coffeehouse will be hosting a Star Wars Trivia Night instead of its usual Open Mic Night. Teams of four to five will compete and test their knowledge to win movie themed prizes.
The newest addition to the franchise, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” will be released on December 16 of this year. In honor of the upcoming film, the trivia will encompass all seven movies, with questions ranging from basic information to the most nit-picky, irrelevant details. Test your own Star Wars knowledge and get prepared with some of these questions, divided by easy, moderate, and difficult sections:
Easy Questions:

  1. Who is the Jedi Master that gets killed by Darth Maul in “The Phantom Menace”?
  2. What color is Mace Windu’s lightsaber?
  3. Who is also known as Darth Sidious?
  4. Who kills Greedo in the Mos Eisley Cantina?
  5. What planet does Yoda live on?
  6. In “Return of the Jedi,” who leads the rebel fleet?
  7. In “The Force Awakens,” what is the name of the group that the stormtroopers work for?
  8. What planet does Luke Skywalker live on during the start of “A New Hope”?
  9. Who is also known as Darth Tyranus?
  10. Whose DNA are the clones from “Attack Of The Clones” made from?
  11. In “The Phantom Menace,” who is believed to be “the chosen one”?
  12. Before she dies, what does Padme name her two children?
  13. Who is in charge of the Death Star?
  14. What is the name of the moon that the Death Star orbits?
  15. What is the name of the bounty hunter that captures Han Solo?

Moderate Questions:

  1. What lettered “wing” ships are there in the original trilogy?
  2. According to C-3PO, what are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field?
  3. What are the names of Luke’s uncle and aunt that he lives with at the start of “A New Hope”?
  4. What is the only lightsaber color to appear in every movie?
  5. What type of armor do Boba and Jango Fett wear?
  6. In her first scene in “The Force Awakens,” what is Rey sifting through?
  7. What does the TIE in TIE fighter stand for?
  8. What is the name of the pod race in “The Phantom Menace”?
  9. What is the creature that grabs Luke in the garbage compressor?
  10. What is the “gift” that Luke offers Jabba the Hutt as a peace offering in “Return Of The Jedi”?
  11. How do the Tuskan Raiders travel?
  12. What planet is the Massassi Temple on?
  13. What kind of weapon could you load with the ammunition from Chewbaaca’s bandoleer?
  14. What is the name of Han Solo’s home planet?
  15. What is the name of the female stormtrooper captain in “The Force Awakens”?

Difficult Questions:

  1. In the Mos Eisley Cantina, how many players are in the band?
  2. Who sat next to Luke Skywalker in briefing scene before the Death Star battle in “A New Hope”?
  3. What kind of gas is mined by the Cloud City at Bespin?
  4. When is the only time during the original trilogy that Han Solo uses a light saber?
  5. How does Jedi Master Plo Kloon die?
  6. Who is the first character to utter any speech in the original trilogy?
  7. What game does Lando lose the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo in?
  8. What species is Bossk, the bounty hunter?
  9. In “A New Hope”, where does Leia wrongly tell Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin where the rebel base is at?
  10. What town is Anakin originally from?
  11. Which movie does the quote “I have a bad feeling about this” come from?
  12. In “The Force Awakens,” what is Finn’s original name?
  13. How much money does Obi-Wan offer Han Solo to smuggle him to Alderaan?
  14. Which characters appear in all seven films?
  15. And finally, what is the number of the trash compactor Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie were trapped in?

Easy Answers:

  1. Qui-Gon-Jinn, who makes Obi Wan Kenobi promise that he will train Anakin Skywalker before he dies.
  2.  Purple.
  3. Emperor Palpatine, who was once a Senator from Naboo in the prequel trilogy.
  4. Han Solo- but who shot first?
  5. Dagobah, a remote planet full of swamps.
  6. Admiral Ackbar, who delivers the famous “It’s a trap!” line in the same movie.
  7. The First Order, which was inspired by the principles of the Galactic Empire.
  8. Tatooine, a desert planet where he lived with his uncle and aunt.
  9. Count Dooku, portrayed by the late Christopher Lee.
  10. Jango Fett, a renowned bounty hunter.
  11. Anakin Skywalker, who was apprenticed by Obi Wan Kenobi before turning into Darth Vader.
  12. Luke and Leia Skywalker.
  13. Grand Moff Tarkin, who refuses to evacuate the Death Star as it is destroyed.
  14. Endor, which is also the home of the Ewoks.
  15. Boba Fett, who tracks the Millennium Falcon to Cloud City

Moderate Answers:

  1. A, B, X, and Y.
  2. 3,720:1, yet Han Solo successfully makes it through.
  3. Owen and Beru, who are killed near the beginning of the movie.
  4. Red, even though green and blue are also common in the movies.
  5. Mandalorian, traditionally worn by warrior clans of Mandalore.
  6. The remains of an Imperial Star Destroyer.
  7. Twin Ion Engine.
  8. The Boonta Eve Classic, which Anakin wins in.
  9. Dianoga, a carnivorous, tentacled species.
  10. R2-D2 and C-3PO.
  11. By Banthas, a species of hairy mammal that lives on Tatooine.
  12. Yavin-4- the temple was a station for the rebels.
  13. A bowcaster, which is commonly seen strapped to his back.
  14. Corelia, where he was a smuggler.
  15. Captain Phasma, who is also the only female stormtrooper in the whole movie.

Difficult Answers:

  1. There are seven members in the band, which is entirely composed of the species Bith.
  2. Wedge Antilles, another starfighter pilot.
  3. Tibana gas, which was used in hyperdrives and starship weaponry.
  4. When he slices open the Tauntaun in “The Empire Strikes Back”.
  5. He was shot down by clones in “Revenge of the Sith.”
  6. C-3PO, who says “did you hear that?” while talking to R2-D2.
  7. Sabacc, a popular card game.
  8. Thrandoshan, reptilian, sentient human like creatures.
  9. The planet Dantooine.
  10. Mos Espa, a spaceport settlement on Tatooine.
  11. Quite literally all seven of them.
  12. fn-2187, his only given name as a stormtrooper.
  13. Obi Wan says “2,000 now, then 15,000 when we reach Alderaan.”
  14. Only R2-D2 and C-3PO.
  15. 3263827. You’re welcome.

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