Meet the candidates!

Candidate Statements

Position: AS President

Mary Moeller

“This November we watched politics slide backwards. Many of you have been feeling helpless, but this election is a chance to fight back. Western still isn’t a sanctuary campus, and the Western Foundation still hasn’t divested from US Bank, meaning student dollars are being invested in oil and the genocide at Standing Rock. It’s time we remind administrators that Western needs to listen to student voices. Now more than ever, we need our administration to stand strong against federal pressures and keep moving forward.
As your president, I will hold our administration accountable to keeping students safe regardless of their identity, divesting from oil, and making sure students don’t lose access to services like counseling and the arts regardless of what happens federally. I’m ready to use my experience as your VP to fight for you. I’m Mary Moeller, and I would be honored if you gave me your vote.”
Simrun Chhabra

“My name is Simrun Chhabra and I’m running for AS President. I’ll represent individuals with intersectional identities in marginalized communities such as students of color, queer students, students experiencing homelessness and all other intersections. I want to represent the communities who embody resilience and passion and have made me who I am today. They make Western unique and worth campaigning for. Seeing Womxn of Color in this position made me realize that one day I could do it too. I hope to inspire more people with histories of oppression to become involved in their communities in ways that didn’t seem possible. I’ve worked in the AS for the last two years and have a developed understanding of what students need and where we need to improve. We are a community. This campaign is about collaboration, a need for change and encompassing the passion of the community. Together it is possible.”
Sterling Rettke

“My main goal as your Student Body President is to be progressive, in all aspects. I want us to continue to strive to be a campus of acceptance and inclusiveness, one that drives out hate, and judgment, and replaces those feelings with love, and kindness. Since my acceptance to this university, I have seen first hand just how amazing Western is, but I know, that there is still progress to be made.
I also hope to be an extremely responsive President, what I mean by this is, if you email or contact me on any social media, no matter the date, or time, expect a response within a maximum of 10 hours, I want students to contact me and voice their thoughts or concerns. I truly love this school, and I hope you allow me to unlock the door to success in this election by voting Rettke. Thank you.”

Position: ASVP for Academic Affairs

Hunter Eider

“I am Hunter Eider and I am running for the AS Vice President for Academic Affairs.
First and foremost, I am here for students. Administrative decisions made about academics within the university affect all of us. If these decisions are made without our input, they will never be fully effective or accommodating to our needs, which is why one of my goals next year is to help further develop existing committees for student input.
I am involved with the Ethnic Student Center, serving as an officer on the board for the Filipino American Student Association. I was also involved in ResLife with Student Council and NRHH for the academic year of 2015-2016. I look forward to applying the leadership skills that I have gained to the best of my ability.
Student opinions are essential to create effective programming, and I look forward to listening to yours.”
Julianna Jackson

“Throughout my collegiate career, I have noticed a disparaging disconnect between student voices and university decisions in academic affairs. As transparency issues persist, students are separated from promoting meaningful changes to the curriculum, as well as the academic climate of WWU. I will work as your representative to engage students in academic decisions, while spreading awareness regarding how individuals may get involved, and how they can make themselves heard.
In my last two years, I have been heavily involved in the promotion of diverse student interests through my role as President of the International Affairs Association, and Student Representative on the Department Related Activities Committee. In these capacities, I have represented students while working closely with faculty to ensure continued opportunities for all university attendees.
It is time to bring open dialogue into academic affairs, and with your support I am committed and ready to stand up for Western students.”

Position: ASVP for Activities

Julia Rutledge

“Hello! My name is Julia Rutledge, and I’m a Junior majoring in English. My current job is the AS Board Assistant for Club Committees. I work with the VP for Activities and VP for Diversity to prepare for and sit on Activities Council, ESC Steering Committee, and ESC Presidents Council. I’m an officer in two clubs on campus: Viking Radio Theatre and Comic Book Club, so I know the AS club system well. I believe that the club system is a fantastic resource that more students should know about. As VP for Activities, I’ll work to inform students of all that the AS has to offer, strive to represent the diverse and intersectional student body, and make sure that student activities get the funding that they need. I believe that I have the experience and the passion to be a truly great VP for Activities.”

Position: ASVP for Business Operations

Alex Lavallee

“This VP position oversees the internal operations of the Associated Students. My goals for the year, if elected are 1) making AS grant/funding resources more transparent and accessible to students, 2) assisting the VP for Diversity with the Multicultural Center, and 3) finishing the last year of the AS Restructure. I am a student of Fairhaven College with a concentration in Web Development, Content Creation, and E-commerce. I have seen the AS at every level, from working in the Club Activities Office, to programming campus events, to serving as your current AS VP for Activities. My biggest goal for the year is setting up a system of communication, between you and your student leadership (the AS Board) so that we can inform each other about what we experience as students and what we are doing about it. My name is Alex LaVallee and I hope to serve you, as the AS VP for Business & Operations.”

Position: ASVP for Diversity

Erick Yanzon

“I am Erick Yanzon and I am running for AS VP for Diversity.
I want to continue the work surrounding the establishment of the Multicultural Center, and making sure that the space continues to be inclusive and accessible for students of color, and underrepresented marginalized communities. Within the center, I also want us to have conversations surrounding intersectionality and working together in solidarity.
Western also has many access and representation issues that continue to be a problem. Student dollars makeup the majority of the funding of the university, and Western would be nothing without its students. Students need to have a voice in every decision-making aspect of the university, but also making sure that they are not overworked.
Through raising awareness, transparency, and advocating for student autonomy, I hope this will help allow students to learn and grow, by ensuring and critiquing how Western provides inclusive programming and diverse curriculum.”
Marquis King Mason

“Hi! My name is Marquis King Mason, I identify with Masculine pronouns, but you can just call me Marquis. I’m a Junior pursuing a degree in environmental health through Fairhaven and currently a chair for the human rights advocacy group on campus, Western Amnesty. I’m running for the Vice President of Diversity, because as a Queer African American, I’ve felt firsthand the effects of not feeling like my uniqueness was valued. I’m an intersectional feminist, who embraces the concept that gender is a spectrum, not binary. Human rights and advocacy are a focus of my life which I hope to incorporate into my time as ASVP of diversity, to ultimately create a more inclusive campus. As ASVP of diversity I will uplift and speak alongside the voices that have been silenced due to their differences, while embracing everything that makes the students of Western truly amazing, distinct, and diverse.”

Position: ASVP for Governmental Affairs

Ana Ramirez

“I’m running for VP for Governmental Affairs because I have a passion for politics and a commitment to fighting for the needs of students of color. Students of color are the most affected by the current political climate, and yet continue to be neglected. I believe we can best prioritize and fight for the needs of students of color through governmental affairs. I have been doing so in my first year at Western by joining Western Votes, sitting on the Legislative Affairs Council as the ESC Representative, attending 3 lobby days, writing a testimony for a house bill, and fighting for sanctuary status as a part of Blue Group, as well being a part of the ESC family by being a part of MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán), LSU (Latinx Student Union), and Blue Group. It is important to center the conversation around students of color.”
Leanna Sauerlender

“Hello! I want to be your ASVP for Governmental Affairs because I have a strong passion for improving student life and reducing the unmet needs that Western students have. We need to bring educational, gender, racial and social equity to the diverse communities that WWU fosters. To do this we need governmental commitment. WWU should provide more support for sexual assault survivors, create more gender-neutral facilities, provide more counseling and academic support, fight for undocumented students’ rights, and end food instability. My understanding of WWU stems from my experience working as student secretary in the President’s office under Bruce Shepard and Sabah Randhawa, working in the AS Board Office under the ASVP for Academic Affairs, serving on the Legislative Affairs Committee, attending weekly Board Meetings, serving on the hiring committee for the new VP for Student Success and Enrollment, and attending Western Lobby Day and Local Lobby Day.”

Position: ASVP for Student Life

Fallon Acosta

“My name is Fallon Acosta, and I am running to be the next ASVP for Student Life. My goal is to help each student have the most quality experiences possible during their time at Western. I believe my experience working with AS clubs and community organizations in Bellingham have prepared me to serve the students of WWU. I want to focus on creating/maintaining a safe, prosperous and sustainable community for all students; especially those who are marginalized and feel their voices aren’t always heard. I want to ensure students are content with the quality of life they have on and off campus by expanding existing policies for housing, transportation and sustainability. The success of this position is dependent on the students’ insight and input, and I am prepared to work alongside all of you to make a better Western. All I need is your vote.”
Courtney Manz

“Hello everyone, I’m Courtney Manz, and I am running for AS VP of Student Life!
I am passionate about creating equal opportunities for every student at Western to be heard no matter their background. If elected I will push for student voices to be heard, and be open in communication of changes needed to be made in Student Life, and do my best to implement them.
I have been involved with student affairs during the entirety of my career here at WWU. I was a Resident Advisor, and I currently work in Associated Students as the Disability Outreach Center Coordinator advocating for students with disabilities. I have experience leading, coordinating, and helping these diverse communities to create a positive change at Western.
Student Life is all about making WWU students’ lives run well in order to foster an environment of success, and I will strive to make this obtainable for you.”
Annie Gordon

“My name is Annie Gordon and I am running for AS VP For Student Life. I move forward in this position with a critical mindset as I continuously reflect upon my privilege. I will not make assumptions or speak for those that hold experiences I cannot relate to. I have established a presence within housing and dining through my work as an RA and will utilize those relationships to ensure that University Housing is held accountable to equitable work. I will increase gender inclusive housing and accessibility campus wide. I will also address systemic barriers preventing food, health and sustainability justice across campus, acknowledging that these movements are rooted in racism and classism. With your vote, I will continue the work I have already begun with the AS to make much needed changes within housing, dining, health, safety, transportation and sustainability, while also mobilizing your goals.”
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Please note: the AS Review does not endorse any particular candidates in this election. The information published here is for your benefit to make the most informed decision when voting in the AS elections. Any inconsistencies in the candidate photos or layout should be disregarded.

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