By Gabrielle Vailencour
The AS board meeting on March 7, 2018 commenced at 3:13 p.m. and adjourned at 5:01 p.m.
ROP Restructure
This restructure entails changing the name of the Research and Outreach Programs to the Student Advocacy and Identity Resource Centers, as well as increasing the budget by $4,000 to create new job positions.
Being under review for a couple weeks and due to the lack of student feedback regarding the name change, AS VP for Diversity Erick Yanzon remarked, “I’m assuming everyone’s okay with it.”
The budget component of the restructure would mean that funding for the ROP Restructure would come from a $4,000 decrease from a different AS fund. The board decided that they would wait another week before approval in case more student feedback emerges.
Travel Task Force Charge and Charger
The board reviewed the Travel Task Force Charge and Charter document, which explains the Travel Task Force’s aims of making travel easier for AS members. This is not a committee, rather a task force which will make recommendations to the AS Board of Directors concerning any time an AS member travels for conferences or trainings. This task force will most likely form in Fall 2018.
AS Video Office Equipment Request
Jeff Bates, Western’s publicity center coordinator, attended the board meeting to explain the objectives behind the AS Communications Office’s requests for recording equipment. The first proposal was for the AS to purchase video recording equipment totaling $1,691.44.
The second proposition was the purchase of the newest version of a Surface Pro, which would cost either $2,199 or $1,099. After considering prices and budget, the board voted unanimously to pass the first proposal.
KUGS Radio
Job descriptions have undergone changes for all eight positions for KUGS radio. Positions are now for three academic quarters instead of four quarters, and these include KUGS Maintenance Engineer, KUGS News and Public Affairs and KUGS Marketing and Development. The KUGS Office assistant will now be a temporary summer quarter position. The AS board passed each motion regarding job descriptions for all eight positions.
Sustainability, Equity and Justice Fund Referendum
This referendum proposes an increase in fees due to the decrease in funds, as well as changing the name of the Sustainability Action Fund to the Sustainability, Equity and Justice Fund. After weeks of review, AS VP for Student Life Annie Gordon, said that “no one has expressed wanting a different name,” and although she’s open to student feedback, the proposal should be decided upon sooner rather than later. The board passed the motion with majority.
Miscellaneous Reports
- Yanzon appointed himself as chair for Management Council and the board approved this motion.
- Chhabra appointed herself as Legislative Affairs Council chair
- The Legislative Affairs Council will be tabling on Monday, March 12
- Washington Student Association will hold their General Assembly on April 22 in Olympia.
- The board reviewed pages 1-28 of the AS Personnel Employment Policy and will continue at the next board meeting.
- The AS board was informed by Yanzon of the position changes within the Ethnic Student Center Restructure, that the Program Support Coordinator and Marketing and Outreach Coordinator will be changed to the Internal Coordinator and Cultural Education Coordinator.
- A number of job description changes for AS positions were passed by the board, including changing the ASP Logistics Coordinator position to Assistant Director for Logistics and correcting grammatical errors within the description for both the AS Communications Coordinator and the VU Gallery Director.