Trying A Spin Cycle Class For the First Time

Written and Edited By: Abbey Raynes

Filmed by: Shayna Dumont

A few months ago, Sophia and I had a conversation about trying one of the spin cycle classes at the Rec center on campus. However we had no idea how to sign up for them and what they were about, so we put our investigative hats on and finally took the leap.

For the longest time, I had no idea that the gym offered workout classes that were taught by student employees, so I was very excited and nervous to participate in a class because I didn’t know what to expect. As someone who has only recently been going to the gym this past year, I have had my fair share of anxiety frequenting the Rec Center because it can feel very cliquey and niche. I never went to any of the classes, as I only would do my own workouts in the East and West rooms, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and help de-stigmatize the gym for those who have anxiety.

The gym can feel like a daunting and judgmental place, and everyone should feel like they have a space there. So, I thought taking a spin class could be an option for folks who want some alternatives then just a standard workout.

In order for this to happen, I got in contact with the Rec Center and we decided to film something at the beginning of April, right after the beginning of spring quarter and demo week [where all of the classes are free during the first week of the quarter]. I knew this would be a bigger project so I invited a friend along the way and Sophia graciously and excitingly agreed to be a part of this from the start.

Though I had some nerves once we began the class, I knew from the start it was going to be one of the most fun cardio workouts I would have. While it was as hard as I thought it would be, everyone was super encouraging and in it for the ride which helped boost everyone’s energy. By the end, it was very rewarding and I would 100% take another class at the Rec center because the environment was so warm and it never felt like anyone would judge me for my experience level. Spin cycle is a great way to get in a good workout and work at your own pace, while also having an amazing time with some sick tunes.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made the class so much fun, and special thanks to Riley for being the awesome instructor who kept the energy high! If you are scared or nervous to go to the gym, I highly recommend taking one of the spin cycle classes as a fun alternative to start.

Check out the Rec Center Here!

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