I am running for Student Senate because I want to make the local, state, and federal voting process easier on campus, increase inclusivity of international students, and represent underclassmen student’s issues. While I am originally from Washington state I also had the experience of living overseas in South Korea and Italy. Living outside of the U.S. made me appreciate the importance of easily accessible voting for all, making sure everyone’s voice is heard, and that every person should feel welcome in their educational community. During high school I participated in Model U.S. Senate, Model United Nations (U.N.), and I served on my school’s student council. Now, in college, I am an actively involved in my new WWU community by volunteering through the Honors program, the Young Democrats of WWU, Model U.N., and as a hall representative for my housing community. I look forward to representing you.

Hello Western Washington Students! My name is Courtney Yoshiyama, and I am running for an at-large senator position. As a freshman, I have not been a part of the university for long, but absolutely love the welcoming atmosphere that Western brings. I strongly believe that diversity and equality are important beliefs necessary for any community to thrive. As such, I’m motivated to work towards these goals by lessening discriminatory views, and allowing individuals of all backgrounds to feel comfortable expressing their unique personalities at our school. Frequently working with my high school’s student executive board, in addition to holding officer positions in the DECA and Science Club, I am confident that I have the leadership experience to serve as an at-large senator. Overall, I hope to make the college environment safer, more supportive, and special for everyone and would humbly ask for your vote. Thank you!
Emma Toscani
Hi my name is Emma Toscani and I am running to be one of your At-Large Student Senators. As an undecided freshman myself, I understand a lot of the experiences you may be going through. I have been a part of the LGBT+ community since I was in middle school, and issues surrounding representation are very important to me. I want to make sure that the often marginalized voices are heard, no matter where on the political spectrum you lean. That being said, hatred and intolerance for someone based off something about themselves they can’t change has no place on a college campus, or anywhere for that matter. I will listen to your voice and will support you by helping your voice be heard by not just a few, but the whole of Western.

Inclusion is something that I care deeply about. Western is a place full of new homes and communities just waiting for people to explore. We have so much to offer. I may be new and not know as much about this wonderful place yet, but I am here to grow with all of you. I hope that you can feel comfortable enough to walk up to me and have a conversation, or just say hello. The world that we live in today has so many terrible things happening within it, but I know that if each one of us starts by spreading the love we have for one another then we can make a change. This world was made for us, created for us, so now I want to help all of you create the world that you want to see, starting with our home here at Western.

My name is Nathan Aplin and I am running for the at-large Associated Student Senate position. My main objective as senator would be to stay connected with as many people as possible. For the past few weeks, I have been asking people what things they want changed at Western so that if I am elected, I am already prepared with a list of things that students want done. I have also been working on separate contact information so that students can reach me whenever they need. Like you, I am a student at Western and I understand how much it costs to attend this school, which is why I want every penny that is spent to go to the benefit of as many students as possible. It would be an honor to serve my fellow Western students in the Associated Student Senate.

Western needs strong leaders who care about this school. I have seen amazing people impacting Western’s future and I want to follow in their footsteps. I would be honored to serve as your At Large Student Senator, listening to the collective voices of WWU and working for a better tomorrow. I want to take my leadership skills and my passion for social justice to advocate for student interests. I have a progressive mindset and believe every student should feel safe and welcomed here at Western. Outside of being a student, I work for Western Votes and the Enrollment and Student Services office. I am passionate about politics, a huge fan of dogs, and probably spend too much time watching The Office. You will never see me stop short of achieving anything I set my mind to. I am resilient, honest, hard-working, and will dedicate my year to serve you.

Students deserve to have their needs met and their voices heard. No student should ever have to settle with the way something is simply because they believe there is nothing they can do about it. The entire concept of a student senate was brought into existence based on the belief that there should be more student input on the final decisions made by the AS Board of Directors. Students deserve a senate representative who will not settle for something that just “works”, rather than something that is ideal. I may not be able to do it all, but I hope to show that despite being a mixed race, undeclared freshman, anyone of any racial background or educational capability is able to have their needs met and voice heard without creating a divide within our student body.

My name is Tatum Buss and with your vote, I hope to serve on the Student Senate. My goals would be to enhance academic innovation as well as promote environmental action at WWU. As a representative of the student body, I understand the importance of incorporating all perspectives and backgrounds in my work. My experience includes working as a page in the United States Senate and currently as an Ambassador for the WWU Foundation. Alongside this, I maintain a full course load and serve as the Vice President of the Political Science Association. These leadership roles have helped me to develop an important understanding of how to represent others and work on a team towards a common goal. If elected, I will utilize clear communication and accountability in order to efficiently pass measures that would benefit students and the university.
Thank you for your time and consideration!

While I am only a first-year student here at Western, I bring a wealth of leadership experience to the table. I’ve taken numerous leadership classes over the years ranging in leadership styles to management and effective leading. To me leadership has always been about leading by example and thinking about those who your leadership affects. As such, I promise that while on the student senate I’ll think about the student body first and devote myself to this position. If elected, I want to take time to sit and listen to the stories of the individual students here at Western. In just a short amount of time I’ve really come to love this campus and want to be a part of the change that keeps Western so amazing. Thank you!
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