I’m running for an AS Student Senate position for the College of Fine and Performing Arts because I feel that funding for the arts has always been an issue and there hasn’t been a strong enough voice in our student government to fight on behalf of the CFPA. I am qualified for this position because I have been a representative on a DRAC Committee which funds many of our programs and a leader in the music office and on the Beta, Gamma, Kappa Hall Council. Furthermore, by studying abroad last summer, I feel that I have proven that I’m not afraid of new challenges and I am very adaptable. I plan to tackle the issues of accessibility, funding, and resources for career preparedness in my position. I would be honored to be elected this position so I can voice the importance of the arts within our university and our world.

As your AS senator for CFPA, I will listen to your needs, advocate for changes that need to be made, and ask that what’s working well stays the same. Vote!
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