Hello Western students! My name is Ash Malhi and I am running for CSE Student Senate. I will represent CSE by advocating for increased access to bottleneck classes, diversity and equity in the CSE, and inclusivity of students both intra- and inter-departmentally. I am incredibly qualified for this position; I participate in research in a biochemistry lab, and I am the president of the Chemistry club and former president of the Pre-med club. Furthermore, I meet with leaders of all the STEM clubs monthly. Lastly, as a fourth-year student, I have built relationships with several professors, therefore, I can advocate for the concerns of newer students. These experiences showcase that I represent all of the students of CSE and not just those within my department. I am eager to represent your interests as a CSE Senator to promote your academic success in this university.

Trans rights, disability rights, and accountability at western are my key concerns. I will advocate for: accessible Gender Inclusive Bathrooms in all buildings; accurate and positive representation of trans topics; reliable walkways, elevators, and ramps; and support for all students and staff of color. Western has a longstanding record of making promises and policies in support of marginalized people, yet often its actions fall short. Inevitably, students are left without a clear path forward. A transparent system for hearing and addressing student issues and concerns is desperately needed. Unfortunately, the Student Senate itself is another example of poor communication. Of the 30 committees that senators might sit on, only 11 are described on the AS website. This leaves students and potential senators alike in the dark about what powers the office holds. And while this makes specific campaign promises impossible, I promise to serve marginalized students as best I can. (Campaign website is https://tinyurl.com/Clark4Senate )

My name is Kelly Yokuda; I am a 4th-year chemistry major. My goal as a senator is to improve communication and transparency within the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) to help identify cases of student discontent in areas including: 1. Weak mentorship and academic support by teaching and research facult, and 2. Toxic cultures in classrooms and research labs. I am currently working with the CSE dean, Brad Johnson, alongside student leaders of CSE clubs including: SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science), the National Society of Black Engineers, Women in Physics, and the Association of Women in Computing, and serving on the chemistry department’s first-generation student hiring committee to ensure mentorship, academic support, diversity, and inclusivity are maintained focuses in CSE. Holding this senate position would provide the resources for me to continue doing this work and provide outreach to students outside of chemistry.

Hi, I’m Kyle McCaffery – a Computer Science major, and mathematics minor. I am an avid hiker and camper (Eagle Scout), a member of the WWU Formula SAE Racing Club, and a voting member of the Student Technology Fee Committee. I’m running for AS Student Senate because I’m passionate about ensuring STEM student voices are heard by the university. If elected, I will represent the College of Science and Engineering by unrelentingly advocating for increased department funding, bringing awareness to the undergraduate bottleneck issue that plagues our college, and working with the university to explore possible locations for the construction of additional science buildings to reduce the overcrowding in our current facilities. Finally, I yearn to fix the misalignment of class start times compared to finals start times. Students who have classes which begin at 11am should not be attending finals that begin at 8am. For more info on how to vote, please visit www.kylemccaf.com/vote

As a Cell/Molecular Biology major, I’m running for the student senate to represent the College of Science and Engineering (CSE). Currently, the CSE disproportionally lacks student representation in important decision-making at the college and university level. Like many students at Western, I failed Math 114 during my first quarter and as senator, I will ensure that that there is enough support for students to succeed in prerequisite courses. After all, these are the foundational classes that we need in order to complete our majors. I also believe in funding undergraduate research. This is especially important for students who can’t afford to volunteer their time due to other financial responsibilities. As senator, I will be dedicated to listening to the concerns of students from all CSE departments. All of us have the right to shape our education, especially in the CSE where we work our asses off for our programs.

Hello, I want to make sure students’ experiences at Western are positive, safe, educational, accessible, and are valuing the teaching and expression of respect toward others. I am a student with multidisciplinary experience in the College of Science and Engineering through the General Science – Middle Level major, which will lead to a certification in teaching. Having already taken many chemistry, and biology lab science classes, I will be taking more classes in the geology, physics, and SMATE departments in upcoming quarters. Additionally, I am involved in community building at Western through student organizations like Acapella Club, and the Newman Center. Asking questions about the world, and using creativity to consider solutions to real life situations are attributes which I value, and aspire to apply in the position of Senator. Thank you for your consideration.

Hello, my name is Sergey (“Serg”) Datskiy. I’m eager to represent STEM students as a student senator of the College of Science and Engineering. As a Ukrainian immigrant whose government historically organized public persecution and censorship, I strongly encourage the sharing of ideas and exercising free speech. Furthermore, as a first-generation college student, I understand that higher education is a substantial investment. Thus, my student senator ambitions are largely tailored toward providing our community with more affordable and accessible education. This motivation has spurred from my employment at Western Libraries, where I had the privilege of connecting with student concerns and guiding them toward helpful resources we have available WWU. I aspire to continue these efforts as a student senator in the hopes of ensuring that the student body is aware of the resources that CSE has to offer, such as research opportunities, tutoring, clubs and sponsored events.
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