I am a first-year student at Fairhaven College that strives to create an equitable environment that respects the diversity and value of all individuals. My previous leadership experience includes being an Officer in the Vashon Queer Spectrum Alliance, captaining my high school LD Debate Team, lobbying for reproductive rights in Washington State, and petitioning the Vashon Island High School board of directors to convert one of the multi-stall bathrooms into an All Gender one, so that all students, regardless of gender identity, can have access to a safe bathroom in school. With these experiences, I hope to fairly represent the student body of Fairhaven College and focus on maintaining and improving accessibility at Western Washington University.

Becoming a Fairhaven student truly changed my higher educational experience. Having almost failed out of Western, being accepted into Fairhaven was my saving grace. I am representing Fairhaven because I believe in the college, I believe in its capabilities and I believe in its possibilities. That being said- I think there needs to be major upheaval and upgrades. A few issues that I’m advocating change for is a restructure of our GUR’s, transparency from administration with students, improved support for nontraditional/marginalized students and the incorporation of Fairhaven college with the rest of Western’s campus. Fairhaven has the potentiality to be a radically transformative space for those who are frequently locked out of the education that they deserve. Fairhaven could truly be interdisciplinary, progressive, and accessible to all. I’m representing Fairhaven because I see a future where we grow past complacency and grow into a campus-wide community.

My name is Devyn Borthwick and I’m running for the AS Senate as a Fairhaven College student. I would like to focus on increasing the amount of renewable energy sources on Western’s campus. Currently, a minimal amount of energy is produced for western by solar panels. I would like to see solar panels on the roofs of more buildings across campus, to combat the heavily increasing threat of global climate change. Another way to improve the school’s environment would be to find an alternative company to work with for our dining services. Aramark is a supporter of the privatized prison system in the United States, and our house and board payments directly advance their cause. Finding a more ethical company to work with is an important mission we can accomplish as a senate.
Esther Roach
After attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for two years, I swore I would never return to college. Yet here I am; having loved the flexibility between Fairhaven and WWU, allowing me to finally graduate. I am seeking to smooth tensions between students in Fairhaven and those on main campus, specifically for incoming LGBTQ+/POC/Multilingual transfer students considering ALL of their options. I have studied Japanese for 6 years, but come winter quarter, I hope to work closely with TESOL, Fairhaven, and my mother’s Seattle non-profit: Centro Rendu. St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores’ Centro Rendu is a source for Mexican immigrants hoping to return to school, get registered, and study English in a free and safe place. Additionally, I would like to provide idealized (non-gravel) locations for commuter students without the risk of Western’s internal parking enforcement scanning our license plates and administering tickets based on that alone; due to personal experience, I believe this epidemic is part of WWU’s phishing scheme to collect more student debt without offering repayment plans to those who do not work or live on campus.

As a person running on behalf of Fairhaven college, there are a few issues I’d like to address since I have been attending Fairhaven College. Transparency between students and faculty when it comes to addressing certain things in the classroom. Diversity in Fairhaven is something I would like to work on also. Then making sure the students of Fairhaven are heard beyond the building and fully represented everywhere on campus. A few of my qualifications are being a part of the Ethnic Student Center and in that community, we work together to improve life at Western for people of color. I am majoring in Law, Diversity and Social Justice with a minor in Philosophy and Journalism. I believe with my passion in the areas that I am studying and love for my community, I would be a good candidate for student senate at Fairhaven College. Thank you.

I enrolled at Fairhaven College because it offered me my first true opportunity to take control of my education. I am running to represent Fairhaven because its unique approach to experiential learning allows each individual the agency to cultivate personal growth through their passion. I believe that, as students, we need to amplify our voices at the college and university level to optimize our power. Our college prides itself on being a collaborative learning community, which calls for active student involvement. I will take the steps necessary to empower each student to become more integrated in decision-making regarding curriculum, new hires, and budgeting. I would also like to strengthen Fairhaven student representation throughout the greater WWU community. As a Student Senator for Fairhaven, I would be honored to represent your voice. Thank you for your consideration.

My name is Sarah Soulliere and I am a junior double majoring in law, diversity and justice and economics. I believe passionately in my peers’ calls for accountability, transparency and progressive action within our university. I would love the opportunity to listen to and reflect the interests of our fairhaven community to our university. I will not speak on behalf of experiences, situations and topics which I don’t understand, instead, I look to ask questions and engage in difficult conversations to learn more. I am accountable, persistent and open to any criticism or difficult circumstances and would be honored to represent fairhaven college as a student senator.

My name is Spencer Iverson. I am running for the Student Senate position representing Fairhaven college. To let you know a little bit about myself I am a double major in Spanish and Audio Engineering. In addition to holding positions as both VP of Finance and President for Buchanan towers Hall council. There is much I feel can be improved on campus. As a Senate member I am looking to change the disconnect between students and administration. As a resident of Buchanan towers I noticed the lack of communication about move outs and concerns with safety on campus. Many people have not received any notification until days before they are forced to move leaving many in fear of losing roommates and friends. This is one of many problems that I have set upon to improve on campus. I can’t do it alone, and we can’t do it without a voice.

Hello! My name is Steven Simmons, and I am running for office in the student senate as a Fairhaven College representative. I am a leftist, and I will bring a spirit of critical analysis to this body which will help to set the tone for the future of its work . Please message me at simmon3@wwu.edu and share your ideas and struggles on this campus so that we can develop a platform which works for all the underserved populations among the student body. As a formerly incarcerated student I have experienced some struggles of my own during my time here, and I wish to normalize the presence of folks with similar histories on this campus. I have experienced with student and community organizing, committee and board service, and engaging the administrations of colleges and government agencies which will make me an effective member of this governing body.
Eleanor Heberlein
Over the last two and a half years as a Fairhaven student I have seen the incredible passion and potential of my peers develop into inspring work. I have also witnessed big ideas stifled by a lack of resources. One of my goals, if elected, is to work toward better funding for student lead projects and ensure every method of learning and development is supported. Collaboration is a key component to making things happen. As a peer mentor to incoming Fairhaven students, I have loved getting to know the new students and to witness the things that they hope to accomplish. If elected as a student senate member I hope to foster the creativity and collaboration that Fairhaven is known for by ensurring that ther is funding and resources for our students to achieve their goals.
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